The 2019 income tax is coming, get ready! – Journal Accounting


Collected annually by the government, income tax is collected on the amounts reported and earned through your salary, rents, investments and other earnings. To avoid fines and problems related to the Internal Revenue Service, it's fundamental to know how to properly report an IR!

In this article, know the statement of this year!

What is the income tax? In short, the IR is a discounted percentage compared to your monthly income. The declaration of income tax verifies that citizens pay more or less than the good tax and justifies this payment in the federal income.

This statement is always made on the earnings of the previous year, that is, the statement made in 2019 refers to the year 2018.

Who shall declare the Income tax in 2019?

All do not have to declare income tax in 2019.

The federal taxman publishes a list of criteria and, if you are in one of them, the statement becomes obligatory. See the list of obligations:

  • Taxpayers who earned more than R $ 28,559.70 in 2017, that is, workers, retirees or retirees.
  • Taxpayers whose non-taxable income was greater than R $ 40,000.00.
  • Field Workers with a Gross Annual Rural Income Greater than R $ 128,308.50
  • Taxpayers Investing in Stock Exchanges, Capital Markets, etc.
  • Taxpayers who own property or land of an amount greater than R $ 300,000
  • Workers who exempt from income tax on the value of sales of properties, provided that it be used to purchase another property up to 180 days.

See who does not need to declare :

Who does not meet any of the above criteria

  • Workers with incomes of less than R $ 1,903.98
  • Workers diagnosed with If you do not meet one of the above conditions, the tax return is mandatory.

    What happens if I do not report income tax in 2019?

    If you do not file your return, the status of your FCP will be pending, which means that there will be complications when it comes to borrowing, pbadport, generate a sales certificate, participate in public tenders, possible penalties

When the statement is improperly completed or the IRS finds information inconsistent with the data at its disposal, it may be that his statement falls on the famous fine mesh, which detects these irregularities

If the alleged irregularities are proven, the taxpayer may have to pay a high fine.

To avoid this inconvenience, send a correction. income tax when detecting errors.

How to remit the tax return to the Internal Revenue Service

The return is issued in three ways:

  • On Receitanet, the Federal Revenue Transmission Program, which can be downloaded shortly long before the reporting period.
  • With the help of the application "My income tax", available for smartphones and tablets

When can I receive a refund of income tax?

After the return, it is possible to check the dates of income tax refund disclosure on the IRS website itself.
Once the requested information is completed, you can choose the period of your refund.

How is the declaration of foreign availability in the income tax defined?

It is necessary to report foreign funds to the IRS in the annual return for residents of Brazil having carried out transactions of at least USD 100,000, in accordance with Brazilian law.

in foreign accounts must be declared in the "Assets and entitlements" sheet, using the code "62 – Bank deposit in current account abroad", the amount to be filled in the Reais, as a result of the conversion of the balance into account dollars, by the rate of the day 31/12 of the previous year.

Via Remessa Online

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