The search for the survivors follows for the 4th day in Brumadinho, MG | Minas Gerais


On this fourth day of search, 130 Israeli soldiers will reinforce the rescue operations. The dam broke on Friday (25) and was at the Córrego do Fundão mine. Mud swept the local community and part of the administrative center of the company. Victims include local residents and Vale employees.

According to Lt. Col. Flávio Godinho of the Civil Defense of Minas Gerais, the death toll is expected to increase. In an interview, he said that there were bodies in a second bus buried near the Vale administrative center in Brumadinho. The number of victims inside the vehicle has however not been confirmed.

Due to the location of the underground bus, the authorities had decided not to suspend searches at dawn. However, the high volume of sludge prevented the work from continuing. The searches were interrupted Sunday night and resumed around 4 am Monday (28).

Sunday night also, a plane carrying about 130 military and 16 tons of equipment sent by Israel arrived at Confins Airport. The troop will badist in the search for victims. The Israelis spent the trip planning the work. At Confins airport, foreigners met with rescue teams in Brumadinho.

What we know so far:

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