Children slapped are more likely to become violent, to consume alcohol and drugs, and to show suicidal tendencies in adulthood, warn experts. physical punishment, badual violence or emotional abuse reveal similar effects
A North American study estimated that about one-fifth of the population had suffered severe corporal punishment in their childhood and that about half had suffered some type of violence.
Tracie Afifi, a physician and researcher at the University of Manitoba in Canada, said, "Studies have already examined the impact of corporal punishment on children and future predisposition." Research focused on population of 35,800 for the development of antisocial behaviors as early as adolescence. "
" For example, research has shown that bad is badociated with an increase in aggression. , behavior problems and antisocial attitudes and violence even during childhood. "
" Adults who exhibit antisocial behavior may encounter many difficulties in establishing and maintaining positive relationships, having difficulties in keeping their jobs and problems with the law, as well as other difficulties. "[19659003] " These behaviors are generally more common among men [19]. 459005] only among women. " [19659Lachercheuseasignificantofthelifeofpolicebreakerpreventionstrategiesintheearlyyearswouldneedtobefocusedonchildhoodeducationages
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