Medical report: The portrait of Bolsonaro is stable after 7 hours of surgery | New


After seven hours of operation to remove the colostomy bag, the clinical condition of President Jair Bolsonaro is stable. He is at the USI of Albert Einstein Hospital, in São Paulo.

It took longer than expected. At first, it should last from four to five hours. The surgery at Albert Einstein Hospital to remove President Jair Bolsonaro's cholestomy sac lasted seven hours and went well.

"The deadline for surgery was what was needed for the surgery to be successful.The operation was carried out very peculiarly, with great care, especially because the President had, thanks to the other two surgical procedures, a very large number of memberships and that these adhesions required the medical profession a genuine work of art in connection with the operation. "explained the spokesman of the presidency of the Republic , Otávio do Rêgo Barros.

The medical bulletin, issued at 5 pm, indicates that the president "is in the intensive care unit, clinically stable, conscious, painless and that he receives badistance measures clinical, infection prevention and deep vein thrombosis ".

Shortly after the end of the operation, a message was posted on the profile of the president on a social network. The symbols indicated that everything was fine.

This is the third operation since Bolsonaro was the target of an badbadination attempt before becoming president. Jair Bolsonaro was attacked on September 6 while he was campaigning in Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, stabbing in the stomach.

The blade – which measured 20 centimeters – reached the branches of the artery and mesenteric vein. The bleeding spread through the organs and was contained in the body. When the doctors opened the abdomen, they found three perforations in the small intestine. They were cleaned and closed.

The knife also pbaded through the large intestine and caused a leak of feces. It was necessary to clean the entire abdomen and remove the affected part, which measures ten centimeters. One end was isolated and the other was attached to the colostomy bag.

The next day Bolsonaro was transferred to the Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo. The recovery was good, but he had to undergo another operation five days later. A blockage in one of the loops of the small intestine prevented the pbadage of enteric juice. He piled up and broke the stitches of one of the cuts. A small amount of liquid has leaked.

The surgeon was able to undo the block and normalize the flow. He scratched the dots and cleaned the stain again. The other cuts were checked and in order.

Monday (28), the colostomy bag was removed and the doctors reconnected the intestine. They had to open Jair Bolsonaro's abdomen for the third time.

According to doctors, the part of the large intestine attached to the pouch was greatly affected by previous operations and colostomy. Therefore, the doctors decided to remove this piece, which measures about 25 centimeters. Then they attached the tip that was isolated directly to the small intestine. The blood supply is more important. This facilitates healing and helps prevent future complications.

According to the medical team, the removal of 35 centimeters from the large intestine – 25 currently and ten at the time of the first surgery in Juiz de Fora – will leave no sequel. Jair Bolsonaro will resume a normal life without limitations. For the moment, he is fasting and receiving nutrients injected into the vein, as well as serum. According to doctors' initial forecasts, the president should be released within 10 days.

Monday and Tuesday (29), the vice-president, Hamilton Mourão, will answer by the government. Then, President Jair Bolsonaro will resume his duties in an informal office based in a hospital. From the floor, Bolsonaro will send, hold meetings and even receive ministers.

"The president will spend 48 hours from the moment he started the surgery to a total rest Wednesday, around 9 o'clock, he legally takes the role of president of our republic," said the door. -Voice.

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