Each year, a portion of Brazilians must report their income to the IRS to fulfill their civil obligations. The statement of the 2019 annual income tax adjustment takes place in April, but experts say that among the main mistakes made by those who declare that income tax occurs at time of filing, either by typing error or lack of information. . Anyone who organizes before is less likely to be wrong.
In addition, one who gives the statement before also has priority to receive the refund, if he is entitled to it. The rules applicable to this year's statement have not yet been published, but it is already possible to go ahead and gather some of the necessary paperwork for the declaration.
For those who have already stated
If you have already indicated in other years, the first thing to do is to look for the IR statement from last year. If there has been car exchange or change of address, separate the documents that involve each transaction. First declaration
If it is your first statement, you must draw up a detailed list of products.
If it is your first statement, you must draw up a detailed list of products. . Take the documents of your property, car, motorcycle or any other possession. Separate your CPF title from the elector's to create the first record in the revenue account. In both cases, if you have dependents, also separate the mutual funds from each. Until last year, it was only necessary for dependents over eight years old, this year it starts to count for all.
Health and Education
Also separate all your expenses and those of your dependents by education and health. Both are deductible from income tax. Organize receipts from physicians, dentists, and other health professionals, in addition to exam receipts, hospitalizations, and health insurance statements. There is no deduction limit for health expenses.
The same applies to tickets and receipts for education expenses, indicating the name of the student and the institution's NPCA. The tax authorities only accept expenses in elementary, intermediate, secondary, higher and technical schools. Extracurricular courses, languages or sports are not accepted.
Source: UOL
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