"Sony is currently focusing on the PS5" • Eurogamer.net


Rumors about next-generation consoles are steadily increasing and despite lack of official information, industry players with access to insider information have slowly revealed new details.

Daniel Ahmad, badyst at Niko Partners and director of frum Resetera, who recently commented on a topic about Sony's first-party studios and provided information about the PS5.

Daniel Ahmad, better known as ZhugeEX, said that "Sony has some games to advertise (existing IP addresses) with PS4 in mind, but I am aware that it was questioned to create these titles cross-gen / next-gen. "

" In general, the essential of the Sony proprietary studios are currently on PS5 and it is still too early to talk about the next generation, but I imagine that we will hear murmurs at the GDC. "

Daniel Ahmad added that" I have heard positive things. I would expect any information in any immediate future. "

With a PlayStation released from the E3 2019, an advertisement for PS5 at a Los Angeles fair is totally out of the question. On the other hand, Microsoft is present and can surprise us with its next console.

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