Animals are slaughtered in Brumadinho; Government quotes regularity The Civil Defense of Minas Gerais announced today (29) that it is accompanying, along with other federal and federal bodies, the situation of the animals victims of the rupture of the dam of the mining company Vale in


. Many animals were mired in the mud. Brumadinho. According to the agency, the animals saved alive are sent to a site near where they receive treatment, food, medicine and supplies needed by a team of veterinarians.

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For information, the State Civil Defense emphasized that There were still live animals in the area and they receive food, water and care until they can be saved. "However, there are animals that do not meet the living conditions due to the state and characteristics of the disaster site.For these cases, a team of veterinarians is able to perform the 39, euthanasia by lethal injection. "

According to the statement, the procedure of euthanasia was only performed by veterinarians in cases considered extreme, when it was found that the conditions of animal welfare and health are irreversibly and irreversibly compromised.

"It should be noted that the Military Office of the Governor / Civil Defense Coordination of the State has never been on the agenda." concluded, "the study revealed that the slaughter of animals at random or by means of substandard methods," concluded the note. Rodape – home 11-07-17 "clbad =" img-responsive "/>

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