Pasadena is the symbol of the Petrobras PT disaster


In recent years, the Lava Jato operation has shown that political interference in the management of state-owned enterprises could lead to a monumental disaster to the detriment of public property.

The Case of Pasadena's Refinery Texas is one of the main examples of the wreck symbols of the time when the former country was running the country

In 2006, Petrobras, a public company, paid 360 million for half of the refinery of United States .

This figure attracted attention because it was already much higher than the Belgian company Astra Oil had paid for the refinery all the previous year: 42, $ 5 million . 19659003] Two years later, Petrobras and Astra Oil came into conflict in Texas society.

In the final account, Petrobras disbursed 1.18 billion US dollars . In the final account, Petrobras disbursed of 1.18 billion US dollars . refinery technologically obsolete and obvious operational difficulties.

In other words, the government of the Workers Party (PT) bought an old industry at a price 27 times higher than that paid by the Belgian company 24 months ago.

This Wednesday (30), 13 years later. , the government of the president Jair Bolsonaro formalizes the sale of the refinery of Pasadena to the American Chevron for US $ 562 million for about 600 million dollars The unit in #EUA which was marked as a symbol of bribery in Petrobras of the PT governments, cost the company coffers R $ 4, 4 bln, and was sold for 2.1 billion rubles.

– RENOVA (@RenovaMidia) 31st January 2019

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