Unemployment decreases in 2018, but nearly doubles in 4 years to reach 12.8 million – 31/01/2019


Unemployment triggered a truce in Brazil and closed in 2018 in the fall, a situation that had not occurred for three years. In 2018, the average unemployment rate was 12.3%, down 0.4 percentage points from 2017 (12.7%). This decline, however, did not occur because more job opportunities were created, but because a record number of people turned to informal work.

The last year ended with 12.8 million unemployed Brazilians, compared to 13.2 million in 2017. However, compared to 2014, the best year since the beginning of the year was the last year. survey, the number of unemployed has almost doubled. – a jump of 90.3%

These data are part of the PNAD (National Survey by Household Sample) and were published this Thursday (31) by the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) .

Record Informality

The fall in the average unemployment rate in the country from 2017 to 2018 did not accompany the creation of formal contract vacancies. According to IBGE, the informality has reached its highest level since the beginning of the survey in 2012.

The number of employees without portfolio in the private sector, excluding the house employees, reached 11.2 million last year. The self-employed rose to 23.3 million in 2018, just over one-quarter of the country's economically active population.

The total number of servants was 6.2 million. Of this amount, less than one-third (29.2%) had a formal contract. This is the lowest percentage since 2012.

These figures reflect a trend we observe: the increase in informality in the face of declining unemployment
Cimar Azeredo, IBGE Coordinator of Labor and Income [194590010]

In 2018, the number of contract employees in good standing was 32.9 million. In 2014, when this group reached the highest level of the research series, it was 36.6 million. That is, 3.7 million people lost their jobs in four years.

Last year, the average real income of workers was estimated at R $ 2,243, which is considered stable compared to 2017 (R $). 2.230). Compared with 2012, there was an increase of 5.1%

4.7 million abandoned the search for a job

According to IBGE, the country recorded 4.7 Millions of discouraged people (who dropped out of job search) in 2018, the highest value in the research series. Compared with 2017, growth was 13.4%. There were an estimated 1.5 million people in 2014.

The discouraged population is defined as a person who was out of the labor market for one of the following reasons: he could not work, n & # 39; He had no experience or was very young. or old, or did not find work in the locality – and that if he had had a job, he would be available to fill that job.

Data for the last quarter of 2018

Considering only the data of the fourth quarter, was 11.6% on average. The index fell 0.3 percentage points from the previous quarter (11.9%). According to the IBGE, the number of unemployed in Brazil was 12.2 million in the last quarter

According to IBGE, the number of unemployed in Brazil was 12.2 million in the last quarter. This represents a decrease of 2.4% from the previous quarter. There was a stability compared to the same period of 2017.

The survey uses not only traditional neighborhoods, but also moving periods (such as February, March and April, March, April and May, etc.) .). In addition to the data for the last quarter of 2018, the IBGE has published a retrospective of the survey conducted since 2012, which allowed unemployment to be compared between 2014 and 2018.

Research Methodology

The PNAD Continuous is organized in 211,344 households in approximately 3,500 counties. IBGE considers unemployed people who are unemployed and who have looked for a few days in the 30 days prior to data collection.

There are other figures on unemployment, presented by the Ministry of Labor and based on the general register of employees and unemployed. ).

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