Damares says he's targeted for a smear campaign


"I touch some small boxes of the ministry."

The Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves declared himself a victim of an action to demoralize his work for political interests.

"They want to attack me not because of my religion, but for ideological reasons," she said in a phone conversation with the magazine "ISTOÉ".

According to the Minister, the changes she plans to implement in the framework of compensation for persons who claim to have been persecuted and who have suffered damage in the military dictatorship are mainly responsible for the campaign aiming to badbadinate his reputation. "I pick up a few small boxes here at the department.

In the case of the reportage of the magazine" Epoca "on the story of his adopted daughter Kayutiti Lulu Kamayurá Damares also disputed the version provided by

According to reports RENOVA Lulu Kamayurá confirmed that she had left the village with the permission of her family to seek treatment and that her future adoptive mother had fallen in love.

"It was love at first sight. She fell in love with me, and then me for her, "said Lulu, who is currently working for a missionary action in Santa Catarina .

The adopted daughter of Damares Alves believes that the testimonies published by @RevistaEpoca are the result of a political action aimed at reaching the minister of the Bolsonaro government

"She fell in love with me and I fell in love with her." The rest do not belong to me. is that lie, said Lulu.

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