Police say they're not motivated by the new version of Richa


247 – The Union of Federal Police of the State of Paraná (Sinpef / PR) lamented the decision of the President of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), João Otávio de Noronha , who ruled that the former governor of Paraná Beto Richa (PSDB), arrested for corruption, was released. Richa was arrested for the second time on January 25 for allegedly participating in a scheme of fraud and corruption with highways dealers. Prior to Noronha's decision, the Minister of the Federal Superior Court (STF), Gilmar Mendes, had already released Richa in September 2006. He had left the Pinhais Medical Complex in Curitiba (1) [1]

. At the time, the former governor had been targeted by the Radio Patrulha operation, which had investigated a plan of deviations and corruption in a rural road recovery program in Paraná.

"Federal police officers have learned the news indignantly, thanks in part to the additional concession In the evaluation of the federal police, in addition to the obvious possibility that the former governor exerts influence over the investigations, the measure reveals the lack of trust between public security professionals and the judiciary in the fight against corruption.It is demotivating, "said Sindpef by way of remark.

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