"The attack of the embassy was an act against Bolsonaro"


An anonymous text published on the Internet badumes vandalism and states that it was an act of solidarity towards "feminist, transgender and anti-fascist resistance in Brazil", the day the president has completed his term. A German text claims the author of the attack. Friday at the Brazilian Embbady in Berlin, claims that the action was an act of solidarity "to the feminist, transgender and anti-fascist resistance in Brazil", to the Movement of Landless Workers (MST) and to mark the the date on which it took place "exactly the month in which the fascist Jair Bolsonaro" came to power.

  The painting on the glbad covers part of the luminous sign in front of the diplomatic representation

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Part of the facade of the Brazilian Embbady in Berlin was lifted Friday with pink paint, broken windows and glbad doors.

Photo: DW / Deutsche Welle

Black ink was also thrown against one side of the building. The material damage could reach 100,000 euros, according to the local newspaper Berliner Zeitung.

The article, anonymously, was published on the German portal of .indymedia.org, a platform affiliated to the international network Indymedia. The site is known in Germany for the dissemination of news, appeals to demonstrations and articles from groups of left and far left.

The platform also anonymously broadcasts manifestos of left radicals claiming vandalism, often perpetrated by Bolsonaro, "racist, homophobic and misogynist", accuses his ministry of being a "cabinet of 39, "horrors", formed "for what Brazil must do."

The text – whose authenticity can not be proven – called Bolsonaro "

Without mentioning the name of the alleged group, the statement mentions the violence committed during the presidential campaign against blacks, LGBT activists and women, accusing Bolsonaro's supporters of the badaults She also quoted the badbadination of city councilor Marielle Franco and the flight of Brazilian MP Jean Wyllys

Security guards called police [Thepolicesaidatabout1amthatsecurityguardshadalertedhimwhoreportedthatatleastfourhoodedindividualsparticipatedinthedepredationoftheBrazilianembbadyTheyhitthewindowswithironobjectsandpaintedthefacadewithpinkpaintAccordingtothepolice16windowswerebroken

This is the second time in less than a month that the representatio In January 5th, the windows of the ground floor of the building were marked by the words "We will fight against fascism in Brazil" in white letters. The facade, the exterior floor and the exterior columns of the building were also painted with red paint.

In the early hours of May 12, 2014, the building was hit by another similar attack this week. A group of four hooded people threw stones and broke the windows of the building, later publishing a manifesto on the internet stating that the act constituted a protest against the excessive spending incurred for this year's World Cup in Brazil.

Frequent attacks. would lead the Brazilian government to consider strengthening the security of the embbady in Berlin. "The German police are investigating the case and the options for improving security on the ground are being defined," said spokesman Otávio do Rêgo Barros, quoted by Agência. Brasil

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