Justice Determines Urgent Measures to Prevent Environmental Damage from Being More Serious in the "Brazilian Caribbean" | Lake District


Federal Justice Urgently Determined the Measures Taken to Prevent Environmental Damage Caused at the Beaches of Arraial do Cabo, in the Rio Lakes Region, Better known as the "Brazilian Caribbean" ".

Four beaches in the city, including those of Pontal do Atalaia, became unsuitable for swimming after the rupture of a pipe on the Prainha waterfront and the opening of the cbad. sewage disposal in the sea in Praia dos Anjos. The latter is the only one left with restrictions for bathers.

The prefecture states that the measure was necessary to avoid flooding. The city was hit by a storm on January 25th.

  Broad view of the water in Praia do Forno, which received mud and contaminated water - Photo: Guard for the Marine Environment / Disclosure (photo 1) and Rodrigo Marinho / G1 (photo 2)   Wide view of the water in Praia do Forno, which received mud and contaminated water - Photo: Environmental Marine Guard / Disclosure (photo 1) and Rodrigo Marinho / G1 (photo 2)

Overview of water in the country and contaminated water – Photo: Guarda Am The injunction was granted last Thursday (31) following a civil action initiated by the Federal Prosecution (MPF). The Municipality of Arraial do Cabo, the National Institute of the Environment (Inea), the sanitation company of Arraial do Cabo (Esac) and the concessionaire of public utilities. aqueduct and sewer (Prolagos) are cited in the decision of the Court.

Liminar calls for a series of measures to solve environmental damage on the beach

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "https://s03.video.glbimg.com/x720/7349422.jpg" alt = "Liminar requires a series of measures to address environmental damage on the beach of Arraial" title = "Liminar requires a series of measures to resolve environmental damage on the beach of Arraial" of Arraial [19659009] In the ruling, the court determines that Inea neither renews nor grants any new environmental license related to the sanitary sewer system to the municipality without setting targets for the elimination of the "dry weather" system.

the function of directing water to the treatment plant when the volume is greater than the drainage system can circulate, as occurs during the rains. According to the Court, the method is not safe because the last step was to evacuate the sewage in natura from the sea.

The injunction determines that the solutions for l 39; implementation of a new system are presented d and every three months to be put into practice within a maximum period of two years.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "https://s02.video.glbimg.com/x720/7331813.jpg" alt = "Broken drainage network and dark water invading the Prainha" title = " Interrupted drainage network and dark water invading the Prainha "

<img clbad =" content-video__placeholder__thumb "src =" https://s02.video.glbimg.com/x720/7331813.jpg "alt =" Drainage network broken and dark water invading the Prainha

Inea must supervise the corrections

Inea must supervise the measures taken by the municipality to correct the operational defects related to the current and future environmental license.

In case of non-compliance compliance with the measures determined by the Tribunal, a fine of

  Pratal do Pontal do Atalaia received green water, but have already taken out the bath - Photo: Rodrigo Marinho / G1   Pontal do Atalaia Prainhas came to receive the green water bath, but has already released - Photo: Rodrigo Marinho / G1 "title = "Pratal do Pontal do Atalaia have received green water, but the bath is already available - Photo: Rodrigo Marinho / G1" data-src = "https: //s2.glbimg. 12/19/17 </p>
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Prainha pipe rupture

Still according to the decision.

Pratal do Pontal do Atalaia received green water, but have already released the bath – Photo: Rodrigo Marinho / G1

The city of Arraial do Cabo has five days to report on the environmental damage caused by the breakdown of driving in Prainha.

"The municipality must designate those responsible for the maintenance and the state of conservation of the network as a whole, and all measures must be taken to prevent further disruption," he said.

The G1 attempts to contact the courts to determine if the delay is five calendar days, ending on Tuesday (5) or five business days, ending on Thursday (7).

  Broken pipe at the edge of the water of Prainha - Photo: Andreza Mendonça / personal archive "title =" Broken pipe at the edge of the water of Prainha - Photo: Andreza Mendonça / personal archive "src = "data: image / jpeg; 9d / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAOABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGQAAAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYAAgME / 8QAFgEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAED / 9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAEfGHGmoXVObFH / xAAdEAABBAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAIDBQYTFREU / 9oACAEBAAEFAo7IfbL9NiSNWmLluTMVF3F4 2Eh1N6uYUv + / xAAaEQEAAQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAIDEkFC / 9oACAEDAQE / AS3QczI2T // EABkRAQACAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAyIxQf / aAAgBAgEBPwFWWLamfFP / xAAkEAABAwIFBQEAAAAAAAAAAAABAAIRAzIEEhMhIjEzNEGRof / aAAgBAQAGPwI6eH1Gi3llJ2VOpTw8Bls zt1RLiym0i1z13Kf1cS4NmcptCMP4uEiJCzNxDwV5Z + / V / 8QAIBAAAgIBAwUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREAIUExYfFRobHB0f / aAAgBAQABPyHAaFwD1G68RtDhAUg6FOh3hBPwz96ZXqc5jIkls9gCoWSoBIgOc9Yrge9 JyH1P / 9oADAMBAAIAAwAAABC4b // EABgRAAIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABESHR / 9oACAEDAQE / EGdISPE 8QAGBEBAAMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARcfD // / // 2gAIAQIBAT8QGtFiILjsZ EABwQAQEBAAIDAQAAAAAA AAAAAAAAERIQAxEEFRof / aAAgBAQABPxCtFQdyEE4fqEIfeGRRw69RRYoO0jIcPXkqAsoOzY91Tw BeMeuYHob7NdvJBlKEROpdZ + + + // cJ1Eg3hnpHw 9k = "/> <picture itemscope=   broken pipe on the edge of Prainha - Photo: Andreza Mendonça / personal file" A pipe broke on the edge of the water of Prainha - Photo: Andreza Mendonça / personal archive "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/g-gIErnFKEqDbwrDFsHq7AOQBt8=/0x0:1280x721/984x0/smart/filters:strip_c (1964) [/Thiswasalsoalvenwherecurrentlyforwhichthemunicipalityformsbathersbythebaseofplanksinstalledontheplathsoftheirbathingconditionsmanagement(quality&Waterandhealthhazards</p>
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Information should also be posted on the mayor's website.

Proposals for Decontamination and Preservation

The mayor will have to present and execute a proposal and a timetable with the actions of decontamination and preservation of the strip of sand and the sea strip of the beaches of Prainha, from Anjos and Lagoa de Araruama. The determination must be completed within 60 days.

Failure to comply with this measure may result in the application of a daily fine to the mayor in the amount of R $ 5,000.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "https://s02.video.glbimg.com/x720/7339649.jpg" alt = "Arraial do Cabo must have four of eight beaches in the city, unsuitable to bathing Arraial do Cabo must have four of the eight beaches of the city, unsuitable for swimming

Arraial do Cabo

Monthly Water Survey

The municipality of Arraial do Cabo , the sanitation company of Arraial do Cabo (Esac) – run by the municipality -, Inea and Prolagos should carry out monthly badyzes of effluents (waste) discharged directly into the waters (waters of sea ​​and lagoons) receiving sanitary sewage from the municipality

Sewerage maintenance

The same bodies and the municipality have 30 days to take the necessary measures to ensure that the wastewater treatment plant ( SUMMER) and its elevators (equipment that transports water to ETE installed in sewer systems) are operational. the system damaged by rain is maintained and repaired.

The injunction also requires that the existing laboratory in the summer be put into operation within 30 days.

  Black dot caused by pollution after a pipeline break - Photo: Divulgação / Municipality of Arraial do Cabo   black stain caused by pollution after tube break - Photo: Disclosure / Municipality of Arraial do Cabo "title = "Dark point caused by pollution after a rupture of pipeline - Photo: Divulgaço / Municipality of Arraial do Cabo" data-src = "https://s2.glbimg.com/bLBnLL2B5ui96uN-czv7d_2A0DA= / 0x0: 960x540 / 984x0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3. Dark stain caused by pollution after the rupture of a pipe - Photo: Press / City of Arraial do Cabo </p>
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Solution p for SUMMER and lifts

The people involved have up to 39; to two years to solve the problem of extravasation of wastewater elevation stations and TEE. The new system should comply with the best sanitation techniques. At the end of the deadline, an official document of the environment agency attesting to the effectiveness and safety (for public health) of the measures taken must be presented.

In the event of non-compliance, a daily fine of R $ 5,000 will be imposed on the responsible public official, who must be personally summoned.

  The water from Forno beach, in Arraial do Cabo, became green - Photo: Rodrigo Marinho / G1 (pictured above) and the guardian of the marine environment / Divulgação (photo ci below)   Forno's water beach, in Arraial do Cabo, became green - Photo: Rodrigo Marinho / G1 (photo above) and Maritime Environment Guard / Divulgação (photo below) "title =" L & # Water from Forno Beach in Arraial do Cabo, Rodrigo Marinho / G1 (pictured above) and Maritime Environmental Guard / Disclosure (pictured below) "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com / b4I5q80Rsn-jyuU46d-MfjR9-T8 = / 0x0: 902x918 / 984x0 / smart /filters:strip_icc()/s.glbimg.com/jo/g1/e/original/2019/01/28/praia_do_for (19659049) In a note, the water from Forno Beach, in Arraial do Cabo, was greenish - Photo: Rodrigo Marinho / G1 (pictured above) and Maritime Environment Guard / Disclosure (pictured below) </p>
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The City Arraial do Cabo said that she was waiting for the no the judge to take appropriate action.

Prolagos announced that he had not yet been notified by the judiciary. The company also said that "the sewage treatment model originally defined in the concession contract was the absolute separator and, due to the advanced state of degradation of the wastewater treatment plant. In the Araruama Lagoon environment, organized civil society opted for the change of the dry weather collection system, effectively used in several countries of the world, such as France, England and Germany.

According to the concessionaire, the implementation of this system in 2004 was fundamental to bring life back to the largest hypersaline lagoon in the world's permanent state.

"However, the concessionaire did a study for the implementation the sewage separation network in its concession, which was presented at a public hearing organized by the regulatory body (Agenersa) in November of last year. badysis with the granting powers, through the Consortium intercommunal Lagos São João (CILSJ) ", indicates an extract of the note.

Prolagos also indicated that" upon its approval, the company will begin the implementation of the new model in addition to the present system "

The G1 waits for an Inea positioning

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