Woman with a psychiatric history accused of causing a fire that killed 10 people in the Parisian building | World


The Paris public prosecutor's office explained that the suspect, who had been detained in a police psychiatric facility, had been charged with a "fire to the death".

  Firefighters rescue residents struck by a fire in Paris - Photo: Benoît Moser / The fire brigade in Paris / title = <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Fire Rescue Residents Affected by Fire By Benoît Moser / Paris Fire Brigade / Reuters" Fire Fighters Helping Residents Affected by Paris Fire "Photo: Benoît Moser / Paris Fire Brigade / Reuters "data-src =" https://s2.bbgg.com/YlsX5LDE9hD / T / P / WSXmz5Sgiu10ZS

Tuesday's fire in a building in the 16th arrondissement [Photo:BenoîtMoser/BrigadedesPierre-Pompiers/viaReuters

The Tuesday fire in a building in the 16th arrondissement, a privileged area of ​​the French capital, was the deadliest in Paris for nearly 14 years.

The suspect, Essia B., aged About 40 years old, who lived in the building, had been neat a dozen times in psychiatric hospitals during the last decade.

Six days before the fire, a doctor declared her fit after 12 days at the hospital and she was allowed to leave the clinic, Attorney Remy Heitz said at the time of the fire. a press conference this week.

Suspicions had maintained repeated discussions with a firefighter neighbor, the last one just before the fire.

She was "inebriated when she was arrested and she was trying to set a car on fire," police said.

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