Headaches: What are the main types and how to fight them – News


Clbadified as torture by many people who suffer from it, headaches are usually caused by two main reasons, according to the British BBC doctor, Anne MacGregor, whose specialty is headaches.

from time to time, they are due to the tension accumulated in the muscles around the head, "he says." Or changes in the chemistry of the brain, which decode it in the form of pain. "

Such a chemical activity in the brain causes in some people a very deep and intense pain, formidable headaches, headaches, they require different interventions and medications.The BBC has prepared a briefing, based on information provided by MacGregor and the NHS, British Public Health Service:


These are the most common pains, which usually present as constant pain on both sides of the head – as if we had a tight elastic around.These pains usually last from 30 minutes to several hours (or exceptionally several days).

Triggers are usually dehydration ion, stress, poor posture, lack of sleep, muscular tension in the face and irregularities.

Lifestyle changes generally help to reduce duration and frequency – for example, with a good level of sleep and meals and high water consumption

This is a type of more rare and extremely painful headache.

Usually affects patients at some point in the year (almost always the same), then a period of remission occurs.

Common drugs such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen are generally not helpful in this type of headache. This is the case of consulting a doctor, who can recommend more specific and more effective treatments.


Migraines are less common than tension headaches, but they are very painful and can potentially interfere with the daily activities of patients.

They cause nausea, vomiting and a strong sensitivity to light and noise.

] It is normal that they last a few hours, but they can sometimes last several days.

There are prescription medications to relieve (or avoid) it. However, if the pain is very persistent, it is advisable to use a reliable doctor to badess the need for a more powerful medicine.


Women are generally more affected by this type of treatment. pain, which is usually due to changes in the levels of hormones and is badociated with the menstrual cycle. Some contraceptive methods, menopause and pregnancy often lead to headaches in this category.

Controlling stress levels, maintaining a regular sleep pattern, and not skipping meals can help reduce these pains. ] Pharmacological

Some headaches are side effects of using certain types of drugs.

General Tips to Avoid and Relieve Headaches

To Avoid Pain of Pain (19659002) – Stay Hydrated with a Lot of Water

– Rest, Especially When You Present flu-like symptoms or lack of energy

– Avoid stressful situations

– Exercise because physical exercise has a positive effect on our overall well-being

– L & # 39; ingestion of painkillers if the pain persists or if very intense. The most common are acetaminophen or ibuprofen

– Avoid alcohol, which could worsen the symptoms

– Do not skip meals to maintain a stable level of insulin in the body

– Ne do not force the view: avoid spending too much time in front of screens

– Do not sleep too much, which can intensify pain

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