Claro cleans up its customer base and Brazil loses 2.6 million lines in December


Led by Claro, which closed 2.4 million mobile lines in December 2018, Brazil recorded a 1.13% reduction in its subscriber base over the period. The country recorded 229,210,890 mobile phone subscriptions in the last month of the year, shedding 2,617,069 from November.

The annual cumulative is 7,277,658 lines, except in December 2017, a reduction of 3%. Most of the disconnections occurred at prepaid customers. Comparing the same period of 2017, there was a reduction of 18,959,874 prepaid lines (-12.77%) and an increase of 11,682,216 postpaid lines (+ 13.28%). During the year, TIM was the most disconnected company, followed by Claro, Vivo and Oi.

Of the total subscribers, the prepaid mode remains dominant with 56.51% of the total, ie 129,549,487 accesses. of the type, against 99 661 403 postpaid plans, or 43.49% of the base

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Claro alone has eliminated 4.17% of its mobile base in one months only. has not been seen by another operator with the same intensity. Vivo, for example, disconnected 445.7 thousand lines and TIM disconnected 93.7 thousand accesses. At the end of 2018, Vivo dominated the market, with a market share of 31%, or 73.1 million active lines, followed by Of course, with 56.4 million. TIM loses a little Claro, with 55.9 million lines and Oi, 33.7 million mobile users.

Nextel leads the market with less than 5% of the market, with 3.3 million active lines. The segment calls PPP, which calls small providers.

As for the connection models, the month of December had 129,842,050 4G users (56.64% of the total), 54,728,630 3G users (23.87%) and the impressive number of 24,850,063 2G users, which account for 10.84% ​​of total subscribers. The 4G technology recorded an increase of 27,604,006 lines (+ 27%) and 3G technology, a reduction of 31,888,468 lines (-36.82%).

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