A deputy will investigate any irregularities in the accommodation of the São Paulo club base | football


Wanted by GloboEsporte.com the Housing and Urban Development Office opened an investigation Monday to discover the existence of housing maintained by São Paulo clubs for the night of & nbsp; Minor athletes. And if the dwellings have the fire department inspection and permission of the town hall to operate. The Corinthians, Palmeiras, Portuguesa and São Paulo, at least, will be invited to provide clarifications and to present documents proving that the situation is regular.

The deputy also indicated that he would also send an official letter to the mayor asking for clarification on housing updated by clubs and federations and on operating permits.

  A fire in a Flamengo scanner case caused the death of ten teenage athletes last Friday - Photo: reproduction / video   Fire in Flamengo CT housing caused the death of ten (Reuters) - A fire in the Flamengo scanner case killed ten teenage athletes last Friday - Photo: reproduction / video A fire in a case of Flamengo CT caused the death of ten teenage athletes last Friday – Photo: reproduction / video

An NGO's Flame Training Center, known as "Urubu's Nest", caught fire on Friday morning and killed Christian Esmério, 15; Arthur Vinicius de Barros Silva Freitas, 14 years old; Pablo Henrique da Silva Matos, 14 years old; Bernardo Pisetta, 15 years old; Vitor Isaias, age 15; Samuel Thomas Rosa, age 15; Athila Pbadion, 14 years old; Jorge Eduardo, 15 years old; Gedson Santos, 14 years old; and Rykelmo Viana, 16 years old. Three other boys were injured, one of them in serious condition and 13 others who were able to get out unharmed.

According to the first police investigations, the fire was reportedly caused by the explosion of an air conditioner in one of the housing rooms.

Also Friday, the mayor of Rio de Janeiro issued a note on the fire, stating that Flamengo, Fluminense and Vasco are not allowed to operate their CT. And this Flamengo had already been fined 31 times for keeping the TC running without the regularized documentation. According to the State of Rio Fire Department, the Urubu nest contained no safety report issued by the body. And this is still being regularized. The club has set up a crisis committee tasked with serving the families of the victims and getting answers about the case.

"The floor of the housing and the town planning of the capital, victim of a fire, took place last week

See below the note sent by the communication service of the MP -SP at GloboEsporte.com :

in dwellings maintained by a football club located in another state of the federation, states that on Monday (11/2) a civil investigation was opened to determine the existence of housing maintained by sports clubs in the city of São Paulo for the night of athletes or aspirants,

The sending of offices to the football clubs Associação Portuguesa de [[Association portugaise des clubs de football]] was originally decided Sports, São Paulo Club Futebol Clube, Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras and Sport Club Corinthians Paulista, to provide these details to the Office of the Attorney General for Housing and Town Planning and to submit the corresponding documentation

It was also decided to send by right to the São Paulo City Council to clarify if there were on the territory of the municipality housing of this type managed by sports clubs, federations or confederations, as well as the authorizations necessary to work with the administration.

After obtaining this preliminary information, the need to ask the fire department for further information and measurements will be evaluated. "

The GloboEsporte.com asked the communication department of the city of São Paulo about the housing situation of the major clubs of the capital, but has not yet received This memo will be updated as soon as the questions have been resolved.

The report also asked the clubs if they possessed a valid operating permit issued by the town hall and their safety reports. fire service.

In a note, Corinthians stated that "he currently maintains his athletes, aged 14 to 17, in a private residence close to collective use of the club, called House of Athletes. The villa is limited to 35 teenagers. The training center of the base is under construction and will provide all necessary facilities in accordance with the strictest safety standards established by Brazilian legislation. "

  Aerial view of the Corinthians Core CT, not yet finalized - Photo: Reproduction   Aerial view of Corinthians TC base, which has not been finished - Photo: play" title = " CT aerial view of the Corinthians base, which has not been finalized yet - Photo: reproduction "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/20PIzFB-falVcU16xppG55fO09E=/0x0:703x391/984x0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / s </source></source></source></source></source></picture> </div>
<p clbad= Aerial view of the base CT Corinthians, which has not been finalized yet – Photo: reproduction

Palmeiras did not want to speak for the moment, invoking respect for the tragedy of the tragedy of Flamengo. On the club's website, it offers multi-player accommodation under 15, under 17 and under 20, with four houses and a building, as well as its own restaurant, in Barra Funda, São Paulo (SP). Currently, approximately 130 athletes are housed under the club's responsibility. In addition, Palmeiras offers professionals of exclusive use of the base in the fields of physiology, physiotherapy, medicine, nutrition, psychology, social work, physical preparation, preparation of goalkeeper, coaching, supervision and coordination, as well as medical and dental contracts. Since 2013, an external recruitment service has also been set up. Employees traveling to Brazil observe the athletes and feed a database of possible reinforcements. "He adds that" all athletes in the basic categories benefit from paid transport, which includes transportation to the training center located in Guarulhos. "

  One of the halls used by the athletes of the São Paulo base, in the CT of Cotia - Photo: Marcelo Prado   One of the rooms used by the athletes of the base One of the rooms used by the athletes of the base of São Paulo, in the CT of Cotia - Photo: Marcelo Prado 1965005] São Paulo reported that the Cotia CT, the only place where the club houses boys who play by the basic categories, has a work permit issued by the mayor's office valid until August 15, 2020. And sent the automatic inspection of the fire department in the area occupied by "barracks", "bleachers" and "training center". "It always meets all the rules of law and proposes the One of the best structures in the country for young people to to perform their sporting and personal duties. "

Santos did not respond before the publication of this report – this note will be updated once the questions have been answered.

* They collaborated Bruno Diniz, Carol Andrade and Felipe Ruiz

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