A 23-year-old man shot dead at the bar of Vila Velha, ES | Holy Spirit


A 23-year-old boy was killed during a shootout at a bar in the Aribiri neighborhood of Vila Velha on Friday night. Two women at the same table as the young man were also injured.

Videos recorded by locals show the police movement shortly after the crime. Barmen and neighbors were frightened by the shooting around 11pm.

The locals reported that the criminals had arrived by car, but had left it a few meters from the bar. One of them was waiting inside the car, while two others were hooded.

  A crime was committed at the Vila Velha Bar in Espírito Santo - Photo: Bernardo Bracony / TV Gazeta <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "crime took place in the Old Town Bar in the Holy Spirit – Photo: Bernardo Bracony / TV Gazeta "title =" A crime was committed at the bar of Vila Velha, in Espírito Santo – Photo: Bernardo Bracony / Gazeta TV "data-src = "https://s2.glbimg.com/Ls4g7y_KpPKxaLpHdYN-FV7JSPg=/0x0:1920×1080/984×0/send: strip_icc () / i.s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_59edd422c0c84a879bd37670ae4f538a/internal_photos/bs/2019/1/8 /iYLBooQI2Q1ss4NWg3KA/tiroteio-aribiri-09-30-2019.mov-

At the bar, they shot and killed the 23-year-old, identified as Y. Manoel Alves da Costa, who was with his father. died instantly.Two women at the same table were shot dead

They were taken to a hospital in Victoria.One was shot at the bad and the other at

In a note, the civilian police announced that the previous Department of Homicide and Personal Protection (DHPP) had intervened. Until now, no suspects have been arrested. The case will continue under civil police investigation.

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