A boy fallen into a pit is buried in Spain | World


Julen Roselló's family entered the San Juan de Málaga cemetery, applauded by a crowd of people approaching the entrance to express their support for this young couple who had lost both their children two years.

According to relatives of the couple, the boy was reportedly buried next to his brother Oliver, who died of a heart attack at the age of three in 2017.

  A boy stuck in a well in Spain - Photo: Alexander Mauro / G1 <img clbad = "picture content-media__ picture" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Boy trapped in the well in Spain – Photo: Alexander Mauro / G1" title = "A boy stuck in a well in Spain – Photo: Alexandre Mauro / G1 "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/O-0YSexqumvIRZVWVONdOvS3LJA=/0x0:1600×2306 / 984×0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i. s3.glbimg.com/v1/AUTH_59edd422c0c84a879bd37670ae4f538a/intern

Boy stuck in a well in Spain – Photo: Alexandre Mauro / G1

On the 13th day of the year, In January, Julen fell by accident , according to his parents, in an abandoned well 25 centimeters in diameter and more than 100 meters deep to fetch water.

The boy jo was on land owned by a parent. According to the authorities, the parents had lunch at the well, opened without authorization. According to research data, Julen suffered a "free fall of 71 meters".

  A drill where Julen fell into a well in Spain - Photo: REUTERS / Jon Nazca <img clbad = "picture content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "Has drilling works that Julen is fell into a deep pit in Spain – Photo: REUTERS / Jon Nazca "title =" A drill in which Julen fell into a well in Spain – Photo: REUTERS / Jon Nazca "data-src =" https: //s2.glbimg .com / ZC5yerlMlFfIrzSSCVfn72B5ofo = / 0x0: 3500×233 / 1008×0 / smart

A drill where Julen fell into a well in Spain – Photo: REUTERS / Jon Nazca

The rescue was considered the most complex rescue of the world. History of Spain Dozens of machines, drills and tractors were used to extract 83,000 cubic meters of soil to dig a parallel well to reach the bottom of the tunnel.

According to local press, the autopsy revealed that Julen had died on the same day of the fall of the sui Tumors of a traumatic brain injury, usually caused by a violent blow to the head.

It is now up to the judge of Malaga to determine "the possible liabilities of the death of Julen".

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