A controversial foreign chancellor takes over the political leadership of the EU – International


"Rock star" for some and "opportunistic" for others, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, whose country holds the six – month presidency of the European Union (EU), leaves no one indifferent.

Half a decade before the EU, as European governments harden speeches on the reception of asylum seekers, a topic that divides the Member States.

Lucky for the conservative leader of 31 years, allied with the far-right FP party since December, who claims to be one of the creators of Blcs Road closure in 2016, when he was Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced his intention to make the issue of migration a priority of his mandate before the bloc.

Kurz is a controversial figure, but he knows how to understand current concerns, he explains

. The leader of the Popular People's Party (VP) has advanced in politics and established the alliance with the FP with the promise of a policy without concessions for migrants. AFP Patrick Moreau of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France, specialist in Austrian politics.

"Your critical decision of Angela Merkel to open borders temporarily in 2015 is increasingly shared," said Moreau.

Kurz is a member of the EU, provided that he grants more sovereignty to the member states. A vision shared by the FP and the other parties of the far right of Europe who left, for the most part, the bloc's exit plans.

The EU EU presidency offers the Chancellor the opportunity to take on importance, said the Austrian Kurier newspaper.

For Austria and its 8.7 million inhabitants, the political climate is the opposite of that of 2000, when the VP established, for the first time, an alliance with the far right of Jrg Haider. The coalition has been heavily criticized overseas and the EU has kept its ban against Vienna for months.

Eighteen years later, "Kurz is a recognized figure on the international scene and the Austrians are proud of him," said Moreau.

The new US ambbadador in Berlin describes Kurz as a "rock star" and the members of the Bvaro CSU party, who ask German Chancellor Angela Merkel for a less generous asylum policy, emphasize their affinity with the Austrian government.

The executive has a good popularity in research.

"Off government is presenting an image of harmony, thanks to intense political marketing, especially in social networks," badyzes political scientist Thomas Hofer.

After the end of the political conflicts in the parliamentary elections of October with the coalition between social-democrats and conservatives, in power for 11 years, the VP and the FP have for motto to show their differences in the public, explains Hofer.

"Kurz is a master of distraction," said liberal aesthetic magazine Falter


Kurz's critics say his moderation under all circumstances is a sign of "opportunism" [ad_2]
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