A customer of a reputed telephone operator receives an invoice receipt: "Mineiro boiola"


The case took place in Lambari (MG). Bruno Ribeiro Carvalho, 31, says he has had problems with the TIM operator since 2018. According to him, the hiring of a plan was tainted with unfair accusations. instead of taking a deductible once a month, it was deducted daily and the discount lasted a week. After filing a complaint, he received the report calling that included the offense Siropo minor. "

He goes on cancer treatment and directs radiation therapy sessions. For this reason, he did not notice the curses when he received the message. account and understood the infringements only after the opening of the document and the consultation of the information. The document was printed on January 15, 1019.

After that, Bruno still tried to contact the service channel of the operator, but without success. He therefore went to Procon to find out how to proceed.

After three days, Bruno says that the operator Tim contacted her to apologize, claiming that this was not the custom of the company. After the call, TIM would still have sent a letter with the apology that arrived on January 26th.

"P We apologize for the inconvenience and note that your registration has already been corrected and we also inform you that this act does not correspond to the ethical and moral values ​​disseminated by Tim and his collaborators ", he explains in an excerpt of the letter.

Bruno spoke about the case " I felt a lack of respect towards the consumer.It was disrespectful because even though we sometimes insist on the delay, the company did not not the right to issue a report or an account and to treat the customer with insults . "

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