A family deceased in an attempted robbery buried Saturday


  The João and Vinícius Magalhães Corps Court, killed during a clash between police and bank robbers in Milagres (Ceará), arrested the town of Serra Talhada. Courtship

The lawsuits of the bodies of João and Vinícius Magalhães, killed during a clash between police and bank robbers in Milagres, Ceará, arrested the town of Serra Talhada. The five people of a Pernambuco family taken hostage and killed on Friday during an attempted robbery in the city of Milagres in Ceará – including two teenagers aged 13 and 14 – will be buried during two different ceremonies this saturday (7). Vinícius de Souza Magalhães, 14, and his father, João Batista Campos Magalhães, 49, were buried at 10:30 am in Serra Talhada, Sertão do Estado, birthplace of the family, where the bodies of the five victims were veiled since. In the afternoon of Friday. The Claudineide Campos couple of Souza Santos, 41, of São José do Belmonte (PE) and Cícero Tenório dos Santos, 60, of Maceió (AL), and their son, Gustavo Tenório dos Santos, 13, of Jabaquara SP) , will be buried at 16 hours in the district of Carmo, in São José do Belmonte, about 80 km from Serra Talhada

The climate of the city is a climate of great sadness and amazement at the violence whose family known in the area, was a victim. The wishes of the five bodies have been held since Friday afternoon at the Homestay Pastumas Bezerra de Melo, in the center of Serra Talhada. Vinícius, João, Claudineide, Cicero and Gustavo were killed during an exchange of gunfire between a group that was trying to rob a bank branch in Milagres, in the Cariri region, Ceará, and the police. According to witnesses, they were used as a human shield by thugs in the middle of the shooting. The confrontation killed 14 people, eight of whom were suspected of being part of the bank robber gang.

The father and son, who lived in Serra Talhada, had gone to the three families from São Paulo to spend the holidays. end of the year in Pernambuco, at an airport in the region. Pbading by Milagres, they were surprised and went to the group that was preparing to blow up a bank branch in the city. In addition, a woman identified as 49-year-old Francisca Edneide da Cruz Santos from Brejo Santo (CE) was also shot dead during the police response.

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at least 10 people die by attacking two banks in Ceará [PeuaprèslafusilladeetlesmortslapolicedeCearáaréussiàarrêtertroishommessoupçonnésd'avoirparticipéaucrimeAveceuxdesarmesdesvoituresetdebadplosifsutiliséslorsdel'attaqueontétésaisisLegouvernementduCearáamisenplaceungroupedetravailetmobilisédesagentsquiétaientsanstravaildanslecadred'uneopérationvisantàchbaderd'autressuspectsLeGouvernementdePernambucoparl'intermédiaireduDépartementdelajusticeetdesdroitsdel'hoIamcommittedtoprovidingapsychologicalsupportandbadistancetothefamiliesoffamilymembersSerraTalhadaThePredroEuricoAqualifiedCommissioner'sPerroa"IncidentallyUnhappyOperation"

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