A fire hits a company in Valinhos and a secretary warns of possible toxic smoke | Campinas and region


A fire hit a chemical company on the farmers' road in Valinhos, São Paulo State, on Thursday afternoon (24). Fire services were activated and teams from the city, as well as Jundiaí (SP) and Vinhedo (SP), went to the Jardim Capuava site to fight the fire. The mayor warned of possible toxic fumes and reported that the inhabitants of Campinas (SP) and Vinhedo (SP) had also reported the smell of the material ( see below ) . (Correction: G1 erred in attributing to the case an image remotely showing a column of fire and cars placed beside a property.] the company, there is no information regarding injuries and the employees left the premises on time.The report has made contact with the environmental protection company of the State of São Paulo (Cetesb) and expects a position on the possible toxicity of the burnt material.The advisory body said that a team will visit the site later this Thursday to see what happened. 19659005] The municipality warned about a possible release of toxic smoke caused by a fire – Photo: Paulo Augusto / EPTV “title =” La municipalité prévenue sur un dégagement éventuel de fumée toxique générée par un incendie – Photo: Paulo Augusto / EPTV “src =” donnée: image / jpeg ; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAOABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGAAAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQcDBAb / xAAWAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAQL / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAYz6WJEjfVGZpbv / xAAbEAACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAECAAUTFv / aAAgBAQABBQJGqL5Bb8yaBd03SvtCZE9Ym5grFKSxeg8 // 8QAFxEBAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQACIf / aAAgBAwEBPwGpUdmE / 8QAFxEAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIREv / aAAgBAgEBPwHTQtP / xAAnEAACAgEBBQkAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMRAAQSEyEiMgUjNHGBkZOh4f / aAAgBAQAGPwLtGbdxaeMIa2xtD7yVNI8bpBGeZhwsVdD1znl07Ecegi Hnngh74UVFXZN4Qu6prBBW8ikaXvCCAyIBQzpk + + // T8Z EAB4QAQACAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERIQAxEEFRYZHx / 9oACAEBAAE / IY2WN3mkg I612wxAgygvRt5VdqSbnH2OAMmrRMmEBCvoLPjIXDQAJI674U // 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEF1v / 8QAGhEBAAEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQARITGh4f / aAAgBAwEBPxAampbsVsaJ / 8QAFhEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEQAB / 9oACAECAQE / ECCbOf / EABwQAQEAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExQRBh8f / aAAgBAQABPxAjCWF9W2SpN6wUbg72lmeUqMlAbFUcrTO4QtJWqdGvHJ0FkakCwN0I3rBcHwkh2K0 ++ NcYmpglRAr2NUeCTPg8 / wD / 2Q == « />   Hall warned of possible toxic smoke generated by fire - Photo: Paulo Augusto / EPTV "title = "The town hall warned of the possibility of a toxic smoke generated e by a fire - Photo: Paulo Augusto / EPTV "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/vSzCksHZe33YJJc0NDQe8xu-0dM=/0x0:1280x720/1008x0/smart/ filters: strip_icc () / i.s3. gif smoke generated by fire - Photo: Paulo Augusto / EPTV </p>
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The beginning of the fire could have been caused by a flash in the temporal, according to civil defense officials. The structure of the main fire station was compromised and firefighters tried to prevent the fire from reaching other structures of the company.

In addition, the company can not use water in certain areas where the chlorine is granulated because there is a risk of chemical reactions. The teams remained in place until this publication.

  Firefighters work in the fight against flames in the company of Valinhos - Photo: Paulo Augusto / EPTV "title =" Firefighters work in the fight against flames in the company of Valinhos - Photo: Paulo Augusto / EPTV "src = "data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAOABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGAAAAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYHAAP / xAAWAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgP / 2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAATq6j9M2x6ei4f / EAB0QAAIBBQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMFBAABAhMUEhX / 2gAIAQEAAQUCbQhqyCY rQHZ8YXRHqfsCwtnqiKy4fC5mVf + / xAAYEQACAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIREv / aAAgBAwEBPwHBF0f / xAAZEQEAAgMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAMCEjH / 2gAIAQIBAT8BbtZZkdWf / 8QAJBAAAQMDBAEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAgABAxESMRMhIpFBBTRRYYH / 2gAIAQEABj8CprazFszjv Ihire + / 0mjlljKAittryWX6dTRXMDE2A7Q0cm1CHnXderQSDdLRpGl8 / GfGF7sel // EACAQAAICAgEFAQAAAAAAAAAAAAERACExUUEQYXGRwfH / 2gAIAQEAAT8hCkYaeJLDMaQDq8Br3BjUqHkLWV06A2BPK Gtr3cA5ARHC7 + w1dwwBNBlbun76f // // aAAwDAQACAAMAAAAQPA xAAXEQADAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREh / 9oACAEDAQE / EIekEP / EABsRAAIBBQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADFhocHw / 9oACAECAQE / EFAXXcCISduzP // EAB sQAQEBAQEAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAERITEAEMHw / 9oACAEBAAE / EC4ktjea ScHvnpU7dBkTY13c8pJeeb28BSmZvv1H165IwUIBXZiNDUbk9TA5HMXstoiXOeVAYgLSq6DOB + JF // Z "/> <picture itemscope=   work of firefighters to fight against the company in flames Valinhos - Photo: Paulo Augusto / EPTV" title = "The firefighters are fighting against the flames in the & # 39 Valinhos company - Photo: Paulo Augusto / EPTV "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/P_mMSpLlB0LVUZ8gH6JvG9E-3-k=/ 0x0: 1280x720 / 1008x0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3 . </p>
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Alert on smoke and reflections

The fire caused a large amount of smoke and the EPTV affiliated to TV Globo, Secretary of Security, Colonel Carlos Prestes, has warned about possible toxicity in nearby areas.

"According to the administration, two people went to the emergency care unit (UPA) of the city after having difficulty breathing."

"Anyone who has smoke coming to the house must flee.The counselor pointed out that they had a history of asthma and that the unit will keep a staff stationed to treat similar cases. G1 contacted Santa Casa and an employee stated that there was no patient touched by the smoke.

The site of the fire is isolated and the orientation of the Civil Defense is intended for the inhabitants of the city in order to avoid the region.The concessionaire Rota das Bandeiras indicated that the police of the road had even carried out a stopping operation on Access to the Municipality on the D. Pedro I Highway (SP-065), where there was a link with the Farmers' Highway, towards Centro, was released at 9.45 pm

Still according to the government, it seems that the smell of smoke has reached the neighborhoods of nearby towns, including Camp inas (SP) and Vinhedo (SP), and the recommendation is for residents of these municipalities, look for other places.

Check the traffic situation in real time.

The town hall notice stated that the fire crews were to maintain fire and restrict work on the structure until Friday morning (25). In addition, he indicated that he would provide a backhoe to help teams in the activities.

  A fire in Valinhos mobilized firefighters on Thursday - Photo: Municipality of Guilherme Busch / Valinhos   Fire in Valinhos mobilized firefighters Thursday - Photos: Guilherme Busch / Valinhos Prefecture "title =" A fire in Valinhos mobilized firefighters this Thursday - Photo: Guilherme Busch / Valinhos Town Hall "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/3zCk_kDcSALYZZrCE3Pvip0ULM=/ 0x0: 1040x780 / 1008x0 / smart / filters: strip_icc () / i.s3. in Valinhos mobilized firefighters, in this quin Image: Ananda Porto / EPTV "title =" Quantity of smoke produced in remote districts of Valinhos - Photo: Ananda / Photo: Guilherme Busch / Valinhos Prefecture </p>
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  Quantity of smoke produced in distant districts of Valinhos porto / EPTV   amount of smoke produced in remote districts of Valinhos - Photo: Ananda Porto / EPTV [1965900] – Photo: Ananda Porto / EPTV

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