A fire hits housing in Bangu and three players are sent to the hospital | football


Another fire broke out Monday afternoon in Rio de Janeiro. After the morning drive, three Bangu players rested at the CDA (Aeronautical Sports Commission), located in Campo dos Afonsos, in the West Zone, when the fourth began to catch fire. The athletes were referred to the aeronautical hospital.

The identity of the players has not been revealed. According to the Bangu Press Office, the cases are not serious and two of them should be released later this Monday. The third patient was referred to the intensive care unit as a precaution because he had inhaled more smoke.

The West Zone team conducts its activities within the CDA, which houses structures such as the Olympic Training Center for Aeronautics (COTA) and receives athletes from several countries. The causes of the fire are still under investigation by the aeronautical department.

  A professional team of Bangu trained at the CDA, in Campo dos Afonsos - Photo: Divulgação <img clbad = "picture content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "professional team was training in Bangu CDA Domaine de Afonsos Bangu's professional team trained at CDA in Campo dos Afonsos – Photo: Divulgação "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/zRdK1RSOHcOWLAht_t8yonak9Jo=/0x0:1080×720/984×0 /

Bangu's professional team trains at CDA, Campo dos Afonsos – Photo: Divulgação

The Bangu has almost managed to qualify for the Guana bara Cup semifinal with seven points won, he lost his place in the final in a 3-0 defeat against Resende.In the overall standings of the competition, the team figures in sixth position.

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