The future foreign minister, Ernesto Araújo, said that Brazil would withdraw from the United Nations pact on migration. The current minister, Aloysio Nunes, called the decision of failure.
These were years of debate. The agreement was published Monday (10) in Morocco at a UN conference. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration has been endorsed by 165 countries, including Brazil. But not the Brazilian government that comes there.
The future foreign minister, Ernesto Araújo, published in a social network that "the Bolsonaro government will dissociate itself from the global pact on migration, an insufficient instrument to solve the problem." Immigration should not be treated as a global problem, but rather according to the reality and sovereignty of each country. "
He also stated that" Brazil will seek a regulatory framework consistent with the national reality and the well-being of Brazilians and foreigners. "
The same goes for the United States, Chile and eight other countries.
"The pact is good, it is positive and I can not wait to think."
"The pact is good, it is positive and I hope to think about the next president, his team, who can dismiss some allegations that, in my opinion, do not support, for example, the allegation that the pact would overlap with national sovereignty, "said Aloysio Nunes, 19659008] The Pact on Migration sets out principles and proposals for solving the problem, such as the exchange of information, the management borders, the fight against trafficking in persons, the strengthening of the rights of migrants.
According to Na s United, there are at least 258 million migrants in the world. Only in 2018, more than 3,300 people died or disappeared on migratory routes.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres pointed out that this statistic is a collective shame and that we can not give in to fear or false narratives, he said.
German Prime Minister Angela Merkel also defended the pact.
"It's worth fighting for the survival of this pact, it's the only way to make the planet better and feel engaged," he said.
One million migrants live in Brazil today and at least three million Brazilians live abroad. And the pact on migration, which involves cooperation between countries, reaches both sides of this currency.
Leonardo Cavalcanti, a specialist at the University of Brasilia, states that it is important that Brazil maintain the pact to improve it.
"The pact does not contradict national sovereignty because it is not binding, ie it is recommendations that countries must follow, but it is not mandatory to respect these recommendations, but it puts the country in a perspective of dialogue and technical cooperation with other countries to better manage the phenomenon of migration, "said Cavalcanti, coordinator of the Observatory of International Migration at the University of Brasilia.
Another thorny foreign policy issue of the future government is the intention to move the Brazilian Embbady to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Arab League, which represents an important market for Brazilian exports, warned Jair Bolsonaro that this decision could hurt relations with these countries.
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