A future minister compares the possession of a weapon to the possession of a car | Politics


The future minister of the Cabinet of Institutional Security (GSI) of the government Jair Bolsonaro, General Augusto Heleno, compared Sunday (30) the possession of a weapon at home to own a car.

Bolsonaro's trusted man and head of the security strategy of the future president, Heleno made this statement at a press conference Sunday afternoon about a message in which the president-elect said the day before in a social network that he wanted to guarantee. by decree, possession of firearms to citizens without criminal background.

According to the future minister, allowing a citizen to drive in the streets of the country means, in matters of responsibility, to allow a person to keep a firearm at home, because of the potential danger that a vehicle may put in the hands of someone without qualification.

In response to reporters, the future GSI minister said that flexibilization of gun ownership is a theme repeatedly championed by Bolsonaro during the election campaign. Heleno also pointed out that many countries grant the right of possession of arms to the citizen in order to guarantee the defense of his family and his property.

Property gives the citizen the right to keep his weapon at home. To leave the house with the gun, you must have the authorization of the postage.

"Possession of the weapon, provided that it is granted to a legally qualified person, and this legal qualification will be obtained by means of an instrument, a decree or a of a law, which regulates, […] looks like the possession of a car, "said the reserve general.

"If you consider this [número de vítimas de acidentes envolvendo veículos automotores] we will forbid the staff from driving." Nobody can drive. Nobody can leave the house with the car because of a risk of dying because the driver is responsible "(General Augusto Heleno)

Since the election campaign, Jair Bolsonaro has pronounced for a possession more gun in order to guarantee the right of self-defense, but he did not specify in the government's plan or in his speech the changes he intends to make to the status of disarmament, which governs Access to firearms

Currently, the Disarmament Statute authorizes the purchase and, under more restrictive conditions, the carrying of weapons.

Possession and possession authorizations weapons are granted by the federal police The conditions for the purchase (possession) are as follows:

  • To be at least 25 years old
  • To have a legal occupation
  • To justify the "actual need" to possess a weapon
  • Do not r respond to police investigation or criminal prosecution
  • Demonstrate psychological and technical ability to use firearms
  • Submit a 3 x 4 photograph, certified true copy or original and copy of RG document
  • Do not have a criminal record at federal, state (including courts), military and election and CPF levels and proof of residence

In addition, the Disarmament Statute provides that the criminal record check, investigations and procedures, lawful activity as well as technical and psychological capacity shall be carried out periodically over a "period of at least five years". .

  In an essay realized last Sunday (23), extras simulated in the Rolls-Royce of the presidency the course that will be traced by Jair Bolsonaro by the esplanade of the ministries during the inauguration ceremony - Photo: TV Globo / Reproduction   In a rehearsal last Sunday (23), extras simulating in the Rolls-Royce of the presidency the course that will make Jair Bolsonaro by the esplanade of the ministries during the ceremony. Inauguration - Photo: TV Globo / Reproduction In an essay realized last Sunday (23), extras have simulated in the Rolls-Royce of the presidency the course that will make Jair Bolsonaro on the part of the l & # 39; Esplanade of ministries during the inauguration ceremony – Photo: TV Globo / Reproduction

this Sunday, the government held the last rehearsal of the official inauguration ceremony of Jair Bolsonaro, which will take place on Tuesday ( 1st) on the esplanade of the ministries. The test was conducted as part of a strong security system.

At the time of the bus station of Brasilia, the Esplanade was closed to the public, blocking access to the ministries and Praça dos Três Poderes. The government expects between 250,000 and 500,000 people to attend the official ceremony.

During this Sunday's rehearsal, the traditional Rolls-Royce convertible of the Presidency of the Republic, manufactured in 1952, was not used. According to General Augusto Heleno, the decision to use the discovery car will be made only the same day. possession by Bolsonaro himself.

"The criterion Jair Messias Bolsonaro, this is the criterion," said the future minister of the GSI, noting that the president-elect himself would decide whether he would take part in the parade of the esplanade of the ministries. beginning of the inauguration ceremony in the open traditional car of the presidency. Last repetition of Jair Bolsonaro on the Esplanade of Ministries Sunday (30) – Photo: Rafael Carvalho, Transitional Government "Last test for the inauguration of Jair Bolsonaro on the esplanade of ministries, 30) – Image: Rafael Carvalho, transitional government "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAARABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAQUBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDBAYHBf / EABUBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEC / 9oADAMBAAIQAxAAAAGVP6Mlc9rOvswXJsKtpAUf / 8QAHxAAAQQBBQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwECBAUAEBQVFjFB / 9oACAEBAAEFAmFWUSFaTawd6abfs4pMFUnis2pyOWtcQfXouiefM EABYRAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABEAEP // / // aAAgBAwEBPwEjf Sovereign is day PxC3aG4Wiffl6ugfdtvqKHVY5IqZssO4DvHNM X8x + + // cP EACAQAQACAQQCAwAAAAAAAAAAAAERIQAxQVGxEHGB8PH / 2gAIAQEAAT8hPLFpAv7xk R8IJgILaJRk SrABFkfjS8 + / P + d5AIGZByDdiyEmz2lCedhXGXwzg1OguzpZ46N87TvHX7d / 2gAMAwEAAgADAAAAEFIYnP / EABcRAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAMUH / 2gAIAQMBAT8QQ8gRs3 // xAAYEQADAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARExQf / aAAgBAgEBPxCtOltM4LD / xAAfEAEAAgIBBQEAAAAAAAAAAAABESEAMUEQUXHB8PH / 2gAIAQEAAT8QuBDQ5aLDtzteKmjSMajieMCMkrkdqxZvtkpkq1MQ59V6wZyWJmSAUsjAQAnOQH1RZTqKSfdE2uX5jCCnswKAhczR Lxr4 3NP1Tqp + Z // "/>   Last badyzed for Jair Bolsonaro property on & # 39; esplanade of ministries, Sunday (30) - Photo: Rafael Carvalho, transitional government

Last attempt for the inauguration of Jair Bolsonaro on the esplanade of ministries Sunday (30) – Photo: Rafael Carvalho, transitional government [19659028Whenajournalistaskedhimifhewouldrecommendtothepresident-electtheuseofaclosedorclosedcarHelenosaidthatifheweretogivethistypeofrecommendationhewouldnotbeinfrontofthecameras

Accompanying the group alongside Heleno, the current GSI minister, General Sergio Etchegoyen, told the press that an unprecedented security plan had been devised for a ceremony to be held. Presidential inauguration, Bolsonaro having been the victim of an attack during the war. campaign.

"The president has already suffered a threat, not a threat, an attack, he has already suffered aggression, an attack on his own life, this increases security levels and access controls", justified Etchegoyen.

The current Minister also pointed out that the GSI had opted for "prudence" in the preparations for the solemnity of the mandate in order to ensure the safety of the future president.

<img clbad = "content-video__placeholder__thumb" src = "https://s01.video.glbimg.com/x720/7266300.jpg" alt = "Customers simulate the ascent of the Plbadto ramp in Bolsonaro , test of property "title =" Customers simulate the ascent of the Bolsonaro plateau ramp

of Bolsonaro

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