James Alex Fields Jr., driving his car with a group of people protesting against a white nationalist demonstration in Charlottesville, was convicted of murder for the first time on the death of activist Heather Heyer. , 32 years old.
He may be sentenced to life imprisonment.
In rendering its verdict late Friday afternoon (7), the jury rejected the defendants' arguments that he had acted in self-defense.
Prosecutors said Fields had driven his car directly against a crowd at the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017, because he was angry after witnessing violent clashes.
The protest was intended to protest the project of abducting a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee
According to the Associated Press, Fields' lawyers told the jury that he feared for his life after witnessing the violence. .
The legal badistant, born in the state of Virginia, was a human rights defender. He went to the demonstration accompanied by colleagues. She died after being crushed when James Alex Fields Jr. came forward against the crowd.
In the local newspaper "Cinnicinati Tribune", the professional entered one of his high school jobs, which, in his vision, clarified the belief of the believer, "very much in line with the neo-Nazi movement".
Fields enlisted in the army, but was removed from duty in December 2015 for "breach of training standards".
James Fields (at the center of the Buzzfeed site at the time released a video showing Fields chanting homophobic insults against those who opposed it at the demonstration, a few hours before the attack .. He was also photographed during the event (the second from the left) wearing a shield bearing the symbol of an overtly fascist group, the Vanguard America.
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