For the fifth year in a row, "123456" and "pbadword" are at the top of the SplashData ranking.
The security firm SplashData released this week the eighth edition of its annual list containing the 100 worst pbadwords of 2018. And the survey shows that some things have not changed.
] Indeed, for the fifth year in a row, "123456" appeared first, followed by "pbadword", second, says the company.
Nevertheless, the ranking brings such as "111111", "666666", "654321" and "donald" – apparently the latter, which appears in the 23rd place of the list, would refer to the American president Donald Trump.
"Sorry, Mr. President., But that's not a false news – using your name or any other common name as your pbadword is a dangerous decision," said Morgan Slain, CEO of SplashData.
To create the list in question, the company badyzed more than 5 million pbadword leaks on the Internet. "The use of these pbadwords will expose anyone to a significant risk of hacking and stealing their identity," says SplashData in its release.
Check out the list of the 25 worst pbadwords for 2018, according to SplashData. :
1) 123456
2) pbadword
3) 123456789
4) 12345678
5) 12345
6) 111111
9) qwerty
10) iloveyou
11) princess
12) admin
13) welcome
14) 666666
15) abc123
17) 123123
18) monkey
19) 654321
21) charlie
22) aa123456
23) donald
) pbadword1
25) qwerty123
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