A toddler who talks to Trump at Christmas says that he still believes in Santa Claus | World


The seven-year-old girl who phoned US President Donald Trump on Christmas Eve said that she still believed in Santa Claus.

The conversation between the two men viralisa because Trump had questioned the existence of Santa Claus by asking if Collman Lloyd still believed in the figure of Christmas.

Then, after discovering the age of the child, the president asks: "At seven, is not it insignificant?"

"Yes, sir," he replied. Later, she admitted to the American newspaper that she did not know the meaning of the word (marginally, in reference to the small number of children of this age who believe in Santa Claus).

Collman, who lives in Lexington, South Carolina, is also said to be very happy to talk to the US President.

"I was like," wow. "Shocked, and I kept remembering that everything was real."

The girl adds that after talking to Trump, she and her family left cookies and chocolate milk for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.

The next morning, the memories were gone and, under his Christmas tree, was a gift bearing the name of Collman on the packaging.

And what was the phone call between them?

The scene was in the White House dining room.

The president and the first lady, Melania Trump, were receiving calls from American children sitting next to two huge Christmas trees.

Children have been calling in hopes of talking to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad), which monitors in real time the movements of Santa Claus around the world on the eve of Christmas (a service works despite the partial closure of the US government).

Some phone calls were transferred to Trump and Melania.

Below, part of the conversation between the President of the United States and the daughter Collman Lloyd:

Trump: What are you going to do at Christmas?

Collman: I think we're going to serve cookies and then we go out with friends. I think only alone.

Trump: Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

Trump: At seven o'clock, is not it insignificant?

The President seems to smile at the end of the phone call.

Later, Collman's parents stated that they saw no problem in the way Trump spoke to their daughter and that the speech was unfairly politicized.

"It's crazy as it has become a question, it's Christmas," Donald J. Lloyd told Buzzfeed. "I like to leave politics outside of Christmas, but that did not bother me, I like to treat my children as adults in conversations."

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Donald Trump attends Children's Binding at Christmas – Photo: REUTERS / Jonat han Ernst

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