According to Ecoponte, the concessionaire who manages the road, the driver lost control of the vehicle that fell; he was badisted by company employees
Rio de Niteroi Bridge Truck
An accident on Saturday morning (30) caused traffic jams and blockages in the Rio-Niterói bridge. According to the dealer Ecoponte, the driver of a truck lost control of the vehicle after the bursting of a tire.
Part of the load of bricks transported by the truck fell on the runway and spread to the wharf height. According to Ecoponte, the man was saved and received help from the dealer's employees. There is no information on his state of health
Around 11:15, the time of pbadage in Rio de Janeiro was 80 minutes – the average is 13 minutes. An hour earlier, drivers took about 100 minutes to cross the road. There are also retentions in the direction of Niterói, whose road has reached 20 minutes.
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