A video shows the car of a secretary dead in Osasco being chased by a vehicle | County Dublin Hotels


Security cameras recorded the car of Osasco's secretary of transportation and mobility, Osvaldo Vergínio da Silva, who died at dawn on Thursday (20), pursued by another vehicle, which reinforces the thesis of an execution. The secretary's body was buried late in the afternoon.

The crime occurred shortly after midnight and the security circuit clock was one hour late. The video shows the moment when Osvaldo's car turns around the corner and just behind a white car, which, according to witnesses, were the killers.

Osvaldo was in hitchhiking, next to the driver. The driver's wife was at the back. The three of them came from a fraternization party at the end of the year and stopped to talk to a friend in front of a blue door on Heitor dos Prazeres street.

The camera does not record, but according to witnesses, the shooter gets up from the pbadenger seat, walks to the secretary and shoots. The pistol had a silencer and the secretary took six shots, a bullet hit the driver's wife.

The secretary, a retired military police officer, was armed and was trying to respond. He died on arrival at the hospital.

The hypothesis of a patrimonial crime was rejected by the police, as the two unidentified men who participated in the attack did not report any theft or take any casualties.

"Being a public person, a well-known personality, we work with many possibilities, so it would be foolhardy to talk about any motivation of the moment," said delegate Igor Guedes de Oliveira.

  Osvaldo Verginio - Photo: Play / Facebook / Osvaldo Verginio "title =" Osvaldo Verginio - Photo: Play / Facebook / Osvaldo Verginio "src =" data: image / jpeg; base64, / 9j / 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD / 2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsKCwsNDhIQDQ4RDgsLEBYQERMUFRUVDA8XGBYUGBIUFRT / 2wBDAQMEBAUEBQkFBQkUDQsNFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBQUFBT / wgARCAAXABkDASIAAhEBAxEB / 8QAGgAAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcCAwQFBv / EABYBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQBBf / aAAwDAQACEAMQAAAB1zAT7nK / PoUdys3mmSC1qqQUv EAB4QAAIBBQADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEAQACBRMUFRYj // / + 9oACAEBAAEFAsQiFgB10tBlFFlfY0qwea1Xm c2MmeF2K1iE4ltxm / xWmB39Ja 8QAHREBAAEDBQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgEABBMQQWHB0f // / // aAAgBAwEBPwG3gSFCrEdpomMDXJ780 EABwRAQACAgMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAwIREjKRwf / aAAgBAgEBPwGzkZjjC2x7EHT78gbJ / 8QAKRAAAQMCBAMJAAAAAAAAAAAAAgABAxESBBMhQSIxkTIzNFJhgZLR4f / aAAgBAQAGPwKOHUr5rpDfmehIAiYGp2bWUp5luSN9zsvFt1dDVtIjCvrVnQle29WTvnSmw8XDJX2XLEfFvpYUfNIDP1WPneYjeeXIjYtq / iLZxelRXen1X // EACEQAAIBBAEFAQAAAAAAAAAAAAERI QAxQVEQYXGhseHw / 9oACAEBAAE / IYrKpUh8rGqxUlftQ + xxNEC56mPfHRzQmOyjvihdWSTJ2Fii0My4GF8HoLjwS5BcSL7HeaLBcgxDMlP8iiql4wrHi3 // 2gAMAwEAAgADAA AAEP8ARwD / xAAdEQACAgEFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABEQAxQVGBkaHR / 9oACAEDAQE / EAsg23p5cTihBlo2LnsOIbn / xAAcEQEBAQABBQAAAAAAAAAAAAABEQBBUYGRwdH / 2gAIAQIBAT8QdkpJOv3LsPOlhwLuR7cAKb // xAAfEAEBAAIDAAIDAAAAAAAAAAABEQAhMUFREIGR0fH / 2gAIAQEAAT8QgYQ4UMsiGvGr7hwoOo6AAOk / ecCgiBE1paWXh9YgV9xN3OOLEM9MNWwAAoqP8romGeLkl1A0SUeJt + Hi6AxYQUDkDy9TvEwMiXDLBUiENdsMwTFUsaYMpqmf0uf / 2Q == "/> <picture itemscope= <img clbad =" content-media__image picture "itemprop =" contentURL "alt =" Osvaldo Verginio – Photo: Reading / Facebook / Osvaldo Verginio "title =" Osvaldo Verginio – Photo: Reproduction / Facebook / Osvaldo Verginio "data-src =" https://s2.glbimg.com/eSM0tXle8YLsMh9NZmoUWWWW0=/0x0:1700×1565/984×0/smart / filters Osvaldo Verginio – Photo: Reproduction / Facebook / Osvaldo Verginio

In 1981, Osvaldo Verginio [Osvaldo Verginio] was born in Osvaldo Verginio, a city in the state of Rio de Janeiro. from Silv she joined the Military Police (PM). He is also a law graduate. In the 2004 elections, he was elected and elected city councilor in Osasco with 4,175 people. In 2010, he had competed for the election of the deputy of São Paulo by the PEN and had been elected with 64 242 votes. He took office on January 3, 2013.

In 2016, he applied for mayor of Osasco, got 5% of the vote and did not go to the second round. In early 2018, he held the position of Secretary of Transportation and Urban Mobility of Osasco.

In the 2008 elections, he was elected the most voted city councilor in the history of the West, with 10,001 votes. In 2010, he went to the Assembly, receiving 64,244 votes. He took office on January 3, 2013. Verginio leaves his wife, son and grandson.

  A white car pursues his secretary's car - Photo: Reproduction / TV Globo <img clbad = "image content-media__image" itemprop = "contentUrl" alt = "white car chases car Secretary – Photo: Reproduction / TV Globo "title =" white car chases car secretary – Photo: Reading 0% of users of the group

A white car chases his secretary car – Photo: Reproduction / Television Globo

By means of a note, The Press Office of Osasco City Hall According to the mayor of the city, Rogério Lins (We), "deeply regrets" the murder of Verginio and has decreed an official mourning of three days in the county.

"Osvaldo was a man of integrity who contributed to the smooth running of the municipal administration by providing excellent initiatives to improve urban mobility." We are shocked and the police are at the disposal of the investigators. solidarity with family and friends, "said Mayor Lins in his statement.

The eve of the secretary will be held Thursday at Sala Osasco, in the building next to the Town Hall, at the same time. Address Avenida Bussocaba, 300, in Vila Campesina.

The Osasco City Council also issued a press release with the aim of "sympathizing with the immense pain of family and friends after the death of the secretary "

" This leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of the Osasco people. "At this moment of great consternation, the Osasco City Council gives its full support to the victim's next of kin and has him granted a minute of silence during the morning's special meeting of this farm, "said the House statement.

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