Stella Avallone, 34, was harbaded by a military policeman at a demonstration against police violence Sunday afternoon (1) in São Paulo. Organizers of an act performed by mothers of public school students who protested against the killing of children in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro, Avenida Paulista, in the center of the city
Among the participants was Bruna da Silva, the mother of Marcos Vinicius da Silva, a 14-year-old girl who was murdered during a police operation in the Maré complex, in the north of State of Rio de Janeiro, 20.
According to Stella, confusion began after the release of the protesters. car carrying a pregnant woman in the street of Consolation, in the center of the capital of São Paulo.
People Protesting against Child Abuse on Paulista Avenue in São Paulo
People Protesting against Child Abuse on Avenida Paulista in São Paulo
"Since we released only her, and not all cars, as they wanted [os policiais] they started shouting gold," he said, mentioning a curse that refers to the bad.
"The police began to provoke protesters saying that b *** can pbad," said Tati Ribeiro, another organizer of the act.
Then, says Stella, a policeman who was in a car started sending kisses to her. "I went to his car questioning his policeman attitude, he started being cynical by telling me that he was filming … Then I called him homeless." A woman took me by the arm and gave me a prison sentence. "Stella
Conducted at the 78th DP (Police District), she was released early Sunday night and called the police "absurd". "There is no doubt that it was harbadment," said Stella.
"It is very sad, the truth is that everything is useless, it was a peaceful act of mothers, full of women, a lot of suffering, no need for provocations, "she said,
According to her, the participants were provoked by the prime minister's men along the protest road with cries of" President Bolsonaro ", in reference to PSL pre-candidate for the presidency, Jair Bolsonaro (RJ) MP
In a note, the SSP (Secretariat of Public Security of São Paulo) said that the police that accompanied the demonstration had attempted to clear a car, where a woman was in labor, but
"Pend In the negotiations, a woman offended one of the police officers, who was taken to the 78th DP, where a detailed term was developed [de ocorrência] and she was released afterwards, "the tex said. The document is used to record acts of lesser offensive potential to return to court.