A woman discovers that her boyfriend was married, ends her relationship and is dead, in MG


A woman was killed by her ex-boyfriend outside the Formiga (MG) home on Thursday at around 10 pm His 17-year-old daughter was also touched. Then, the perpetrator of the crime, treated by the civilian police of Minas Gerais as a feminicide, committed suicide. The weapon used in the crime was not legalized and seized.

Milena Pereira Siqueira, 37, had already recorded a threat incident against Emerson Modesto of Faria, 45, who had been arrested at the time, but had been released. after paying the deposit.

According to a friend of the victim, Milena ended up with Emerson after discovering that he was still married, contrary to what he had been told. The man, however, began to threaten her. According to the investigators, the couple had been together for over a year, to the knowledge of Emerson 's wife.

"He was arrested in flagrante delicto, but the other day he went out on bail and left, several people said in Whats, and I confess that it scared me, I heard the women say, "She sought." I badure you, she did not seek, she tried to get out of an abusive relationship about constant threats to her and her daughters, "she said in a message published on a social network, adding that Emerson was telling Milena that he was separating from the woman. "The end of this was tragic, a totally psychotic guy who did not like him and his loved ones."

Exactly one week ago, on the 4th, Milena approached the women of the city where she lived with her daughter, informing about the threat. The civilian police said that the police officer immediately ordered a police team to locate the author. An arrest warrant was issued and a bond was issued, the amount of which was paid. On this, Emerson was released.

The victim reported that the ex-boyfriend was no longer looking for her, but drove frequently in her street. The same thing happened Thursday. Parked away from his residence, the man waited for the arrival of Milena with his daughter. At the moment they were seen, Emerson approached and fired.

Witnesses claimed that he had tried to force her to board the vehicle, but she did not want to. Shortly after, he shot Milena and the teenager. The girl was rescued and transferred again at dawn to the São João de Deus Health Center in Divinópolis, a nearby town of Formiga. She had to undergo surgery to remove one of the lungs and her condition is very serious in the intensive care unit.

* Trainee under the supervision of Leonardo Cazes


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