According to one study, mice and pigeons are present in other species


The use of land for agriculture and building cities everywhere favor the same species.

Animals like rats and pigeons replace other animals, such as tigers, which can only survive in certain habitats.

The researchers badyzed 20,000 animals. and plants in 81 countries.

And they found that the most common species of fauna and flora tend to increase in places created by man – that it is forest plantations, agricultural land, pasture and urban environments.

However, the species geographically "We show everywhere that when humans change habitats, these unique species are systematically lost and replaced by species everywhere, such as pigeons in cities and rats in areas agricultural products, "he said.

Tim Newbold, researcher at University College London (UCL) in the United Kingdom


One of the authors, researcher Andy Purvis of the London Natural History Museum , compared changes in biodiversity to what is happening on the UK's commercial avenues.

"Small independent retailers lock doors, big networks take control," he said.

"All cities are alike and it is more difficult to know where you are.In the same way, people affect nature wherever they go and everywhere local species struggle for survival."

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fauna and flora conservation efforts, because species that live only in small areas are already more at risk of extinction than species that have adapted to the world.

Previous research has shown that geographically rare animals and plants have different and important roles within the ecosystem and can be critical to our food security.

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