Sony is already changing the focus of its early studios for the exclusive development of the PS5 according to rumors. The company is hoping to achieve this year's largest profit in terms of network games and services, as well as the growth of PSN which further encourages it to invest in the brand Playstation and related services.
This information is not official and comes from Daniel Ahmad, who subscribes as a user ZhugeEX on the Resetera forum. Ahmad works as an insider and industry badyst, having already brought correct leaks in the past. He claims that Sony has at least two games not yet announced of existing IP addresses under development for PS4, but that even those already in the discussions will be released as cross gen or worn on the PS5. It is still too early to talk about the next generation, but I imagine we will hear whispers of the GDC "
The company intends to invest more in the PSN and extend the services badociated with the Playstation ecosystem. Ahmad says that he does not know how much he will appear later this year, but that there is "certainly" many things planned for the next-generation console.
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