ADVFN News | The agreement between Embraer and Boeing should be signed only next week


Negotiations between the Embraer (BOV: EMBR3) and the American aircraft manufacturer Boeing for the creation of a partnership between the two, are in the final details and should be signed next week.

"The Boeing Sales Force is Crucial for Embraer" said Embraer founder and former president Ozires Silva. According to Ozires, the agreement between the two companies is an opportunity to develop the Embraer sales force, since Boeing is extremely strong in the segment.

Negotiations between the two companies were announced last year and eventually will result in the creation of a third company in which Boeing would have 80% participation and Embraer 20%. According to the newspaper The State the new bargaining model should only concern the commercial aviation fleet of the Brazilian, the military segment will be outside the agreement by determination of the Brazilian government.

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