Afghan President announces resumption of hostilities with Taliban – International


Afghan President Ashraf Ghani announced Saturday the official resumption of hostilities against the Taliban at the end of a unilateral ceasefire proposed by the government and that the insurgents have agreed for a few days.

"The ceasefire is over, the defense and security forces in Afghanistan are allowed to resume military operations," said the head of state.

"The announcement of our ceasefire was greeted with enthusiasm by the people and the rest of the world.Peace in the Government and Talibs.The Government agreed to launch the initiative and now it belongs to the Talibs to make a positive response. "

President Ghani decreed a ceasefire of one week in mid-June, al-Fitr help, which marks the end of Ramad, which the Talib respected for three days

At that time, the entry of unarmed insurgents in Kabul and other cities provoked scenes of fraternization and joy. except the group This

Ghani proposed to extend the truce for another ten days, starting on June 20, but this time the insurgents did not accept and resumed the attacks.

The first time the Talib accepted a ceasefire, 17 years after the offensive of an international coalition that overthrew the group in October 2001, a few weeks after the attacks of September 11 .

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