After an accident, Prince Philip decides to return his driver's license to 97 years.


LONDON – At the age of 97, Prince Philip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, presented her driving license on Saturday,
after being involved last month in a traffic accident.

Buckingham Palace reports that the Prince Consort, who bears the title of Duke of Edinburgh, made this decision on his own.

"After careful consideration, the Duke of Edinburgh made the decision to voluntarily give up his driving license," the statement said.

<img clbad = "article__picture-image" data-src = " -is-driven-away-from-Papworth-Hospital-in-Southern-En.jpg.pagespeed.ic.8wwrkkZC7Y.jpg "alt =" Philip in his car, in 2011 Photo: Neil Hall / Reuters / 27-12- 2011

The accident occurred on January 17 near the Sandringham Royal Residence, where Elizabeth II and Philip resided for much of the winter.

The mighty Land Rover Freelander piloted by Prince Philip collided with a Kia car when the nobleman escaped from a road to hit the road.

The prince was not injured in the accident, but the driver of the Kia was injured in the knee and another woman of the hitchhiker broke the wrist. In contrast, the baby in the back seat was not injured.

The incident provoked criticism in the media, who pointed out that the prince had been slow to apologize to the women concerned.

The Duke of Edinburgh officially retired from public life in 2017, at the age of 95.

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