After meeting Putin, Nicolás Maduro announces an investment by a Russian billionaire in Venezuela | World


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced Thursday that he has signed an agreement with Russia allowing him to invest more than $ 6 billion – about R $ 23.5 billion, according to the Central Bank of Brazil. .

According to Maduro himself, investments will go to projects in the oil sectors – where the bulk of the amount is concentrated – and to gold.

"We are organizing an oil investment of more than $ 5 billion" and "contract more than $ 1 billion" for gold exploration, Maduro told Venezuelan state broadcaster VTV .

In addition, according to the EFE agency, Maduro signed a contract to guarantee the supply of 600,000 tons of wheat "for the bread of the Venezuelan people".

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Maduro announced the agreements one day after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. At the meeting, the Russian leader said he would repudiate attempts to change the Venezuelan regime "by force".

"I think we find the point that helps us survive, and then we launch a comprehensive economic program that cooperates fully with Russian-Venezuelan relations," Maduro told the Moscow meeting.

The South American country is facing a humanitarian crisis because of the violent political crisis and the economic collapse. The number of refugees and migrants who have left Venezuela reaches 3 million worldwide, announced the United Nations last month.

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