In the last decade, about 25 million people have died of HIV / AIDS.
In the last decade, about 25 million people have died of HIV / AIDS.
Photo: Reproduction / Unaids
The theme of World AIDS Day will stimulate HIV testing
Photo: Reproduction / Unaids
Created by the World Health Organization this Saturday, December 1st , World AIDS Day marks its 30th anniversary. Under the theme Knowing Your HIV Status UNAIDS, a United Nations program whose job is to create solutions and help countries fight the epidemic, will be to encourage serological testing.
Over the past decade, about 25 million people have died of HIV / AIDS and an estimated 35 million people are living with the virus. Currently, three out of four HIV-positive people know their HIV status. Malé Michel Sidibé, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNAIDS, stresses, however, that there is a need to reach people living with HIV who are not yet familiar with their HIV status and HIV status. ensure that they have access to HIV prevention and prevention.
According to Sidibé, despite a 30-year campaign for universal access to services
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Unaids executive director Michel Sidibé made it necessary to guarantee people's access prevention and quality care services
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able to save lives, treat and prevent HIV / AIDS, AIDS is not over yet. "We have a long way to go," he said, adding that "World AIDS Day is a day to commemorate the millions of people who have lost their lives as a result of AIDS-related illnesses, many of which are died due to lack of access to HIV services due to stigmatization, discrimination and criminalization of key populations. "
According to the latest UNAIDS report released last June, many new HIV infections have increased in about 50 countries and new infections. have decreased by only 18% in the last seven years, from 2.2 million in 2010 to 1.8 million in 2017. Although they account for almost half the number of new infections compared to the highest recorded in 1996 (3.4 million), the decline is not enough to reach the target of less than 500,000 by 2020.
AIDS in Brazil
Although it is considered a leading country in HIV / AIDS treatment and research, about 40,000 people are still infected each year and 8,000 die from diseases badociated with the virus in Brazil. Paradoxically, scientific advances in treatment have ultimately stimulated negligence in prevention. This is why UNAIDS and the experts have made it clear in their badysis that the broadening of the large-scale treatment should not be considered as a guarantee.
Photo: Reproduction / Unaids
Thirty years & # 39; activism worldwide [EncasdenonutilisationouderupturedupréservatifleSUSmetàladispositiondelapopulationlesstratégiesettechnologiesconsidéréesplusavancéespourlapréventiondel'infectionviraletellesquelaprophylaxiepost-exposureprophylaxis(PEP)enplusd'avoirélargiaucoursdes16dernièresannéesl'accèsaudiagnosticprécoceetauxactionsspécifiquesenfaveurdespopulationscléspourfairefaceauVIH
Among patients in treatment in the country, 92% have already reached the stage of undetectable, those who manage to maintain a quality of life without manifesting the symptoms of AIDS
Information on testing, prevention and treatment
Department of Surveillance, the prevention and control of STIs, HIV / AIDS and viral hepatitis from the Ministry of Health
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