The chairman of the MDB, Senator Romero Jucá (RR), said Tuesday that the former governor of São Paulo and pre-PSDB candidate for president, Geraldo Alckmin, could be a deputy in the candidate card the candidate. Palácio do Plbadto, former Minister of Finance Henrique Meirelles.
Romero Jucá at a ceremony at the Palace of Plbadto 12/04/2017 REUTERS / Ueslei Marcelino
Photo: Reuters
"Alckmin is a good name," Jucá said at a press conference at the end of a meeting of the MDB executive after having stated that he would like Meirelles's colleague to be a PSDB member. ] The party chairman stated that he "does not study the contrary", that is to say that Meirelles is vice on a plate led by Alckmin and stressed that the position of the legend is to "keep" the candidate Meirelles.
Jucá's comments come after rumors that Meirelles could become Alckmin's deputy in the October elections. The BMD's pre-candidate is posted in the Plbadto Voting Intent, with a maximum of 1% of voting intentions in the polls. According to the CNI / Ibope survey released last month, Alckmin reportedly reached a maximum of 6%.
Jucá has not yet defined when the MDB convention will take place which could confirm Meirelles' candidacy for Plbadto. He only said that there was a proposal for it to be held in the middle of the week in the middle of the week so as not to conflict with party conventions.
The Minister of the Civil House, Eliseu Padilha, was also present at the meeting. He said it was still too early for the center parties to discuss an electoral composition. "Meirelles is a candidate," he said, noting that his candidacy strengthens the party in the United States.
Padilha, however, pointed out that even if there is no strike, the second round of voting will take place.
The President of the MDB stated that the party's priority is to elect MPs and Senators and that election fund resources will be used primarily for this purpose.
The party will be entitled to 234 million reais from the electoral fund. The MDB of São Paulo will have 4.5 million reais, Rio 4 million reais and Minas Gerais 3.6 million.
No unity of the federation shall have less than 1 million reais – to which it will have the lowest repercussion is that of Amapá, with 1,012 million reais
After the meeting of the 39, executive, who defined the criteria for allocating these resources, Jucá said that it was agreed that Meirelles himself would play his campaign. He said that the former finance minister "is fine" in this pre-current campaign phase and that the next step is for him to get the votes to be confirmed as the BMD's name for the Plbadto [19659015]. subtitle that prefers the party does not have a presidential candidate because this can, for example, possibly hinder regional success. The party has not launched its own candidacy for Plbadto since 1994, with the former governor of São Paulo Orestes Quercia.
Asked if Meirelles could give up the candidacy, Jucá said that it is not in the pipeline. He pointed out that he had the balance and preparation to be a candidate and said that there was no floor to guarantee him the name of the BMD.
"We do not set a goal for the votes for Meirelles," he said. "All are frozen in the polls," he added, referring to pre-applications for Plbadto.
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