Alert action for risk of dengue haemorrhagic fever after self-medication – Capital


At least 200 consultations in health were conducted free of charge as part of the action this Saturday (9) of the CRF / MS (Regional Pharmacy Council of Mato Grosso do Sul). The event organized on Ary Coelho Square, in Campo Grande, aimed to inform the population of the risks badociated with self-medication in the treatment of dengue and to emphasize the importance of the pharmacist for society, especially in these cases

"The pharmacist is not only responsible by the pharmacy.He is responsible for the patient," said the director of the CRF / MS, Flávio Shianzato, commenting on the action in the case. event that started at 8 am and ended at 11:30 am.

In fact, he also guided the risks in dengue and other diseases, pharmacists also collected late drugs and other types of care, such as measuring blood pressure and blood glucose test for the diagnosis of chronic diseases. In this process, patients in whom an irregularity was detected were submitted to the evaluation of a clinical pharmacist at the same location. At this point, the professional sought to make a routine investigation of the patient.

Self-medication is one of the main concerns in the treatment of the disease transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, because it can cause the appearance of haemorrhagic disorders. pharmacist, according to Shianzato, who warns against the misuse of drugs-based SA – such as aspirin.

In his explanation, dengue fever is a disease that affects blood clotting and the use of this drug contributes to thinning. which can cause the development of dengue haemorrhagic fever. In addition, the initial misunderstanding of the disease in the patient, badociated with the use of anti-flu drugs, may even worsen the situation. The last outbreak of type 2 dengue was recorded in 2006, according to Shianzato