AM workers queue in front of agencies for PIS / Pasep service; The deadline ends this Friday | Amazonas


The deadline for Amazonas workers to withdraw the PIS / Pasep wage bonus, base year 2016, ends on Friday (29). The waiting lines of the beneficiaries began to be formed in the branches since the morning in Manaus. The amounts established up to June 18, 2018 amounted to R $ 46.1 million.

Whoever is entitled to the benefit, but does not look for a bank branch in time, will lose money, according to the Ministry of Labor.

Dozens of workers began to arrive at 5:30 in front of the Caixa branch, located on Henrique Martins Street, in the center of the capital. Most seek to ask questions and know if they have the right to withdraw the benefit.

Justice Raimundo Silva e Silva, 58, arrives at the bank's branch at around 5:40 am "He had other occupations and he could not come sooner," said the guardian of the request on the last day of the deadline.

57-year-old housewife Magda Gulhões also had to check the possibility of paying the PIS before the deadline. "I had a stroke and I had health problems, I could not come sooner to see if I could take it," he said.

In total, 31,015 workers at Amazonas had not yet withdrawn the benefit until the last update made on June 18. About 22.6 million reais are available for the withdrawal of Caixa and Banco do Brasil throughout the state.

According to the Ministry of Labor, the salary allowance for the year 2016 began to be paid on July 27, 2017. Since then, 60,070 workers have been paid in the state, which represents 91.51% of the total. Until the last update, the total amount drawn was 46.1 million reais.

The value that every worker must take depends on how long he has been formally working in 2016 in the private sector or the public service. The one who worked all year receives the full amount, which equates to a minimum wage of $ 954. Whoever worked for only 30 days receives the minimum amount of $ 80.

"If the person has worked a month, receives 1/12 of the amount, if worked two months, 2/12, and so on," says the head of the payroll division of the Ministry of Labor, Márcio Ubiratan.

To be eligible for the money, it is necessary to have worked formally for at least one month during the reference year (in this case 2016), with an average salary up to twice the minimum wage. In addition, the worker must have been registered with PIS / Pasep for at least five years and have been properly informed by the employer in the Annual Social Information Report (Rais).

Private sector workers should look for Caixa. The consultation can be in person, online or by phone at 0800-726 02 07.

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