AMERICANA | 05/07 / 2018-22: 38: 44 Updated on 05/05 / 2018-22: 29: 18
Luciano Claudino | Code 19
RIO PIRACICABA | The pollution level is three times higher than normal for the period
The city of Americana confirmed yesterday two more deaths by purplish fever in the city. Thus, the number of confirmed cases of the disease rises to 10, with nine deaths, seven scrapped cases and 18 suspects, that is, they still need evidence in laboratory.
According to Sade's secretary of Americana, one of the victims was a 49-year-old man who lived in the occupation zone Roseli Nunes, regio ps-dam of Salto Grande. The death occurred on June 7 at Unicamp (University of Campinas State), where he was hospitalized.
"As he had informed an address of the Municipality of Campinas, in order to be treated in this medical institution, It was reported that he frequented the Atibaia River, which is the place likely the infection, "said the prefecture
The other victim of a two-year-old boy who was served in the Zanaga Pronto-Atención between May 30 and the June 1st. He entered the hospital on June 3 again with a cardiorespiratory arrest and died the same day.
At the time, the child's death reverberated as a result of alleged maltreatment complaints, the child not being hospitalized despite his symptoms. , which looked like respiratory diseases, as well as fever. Sade's secretary stated that the caretakers felt that there was no need to hospitalize the child since he had received medication and that It had been recommended to the family to continue treatment at home.
"The main suspicion was meningitis, but since the laboratory did not diagnose any type of meningococcal disease in the material sent, it was also decided to conduct the investigation for the purple fever, which has been confirmed by the Adolfo Lutz Institute in Campinas.In the case of this child, the contamination may have been accidental because there is no report that he has entered or remained in an area of risk, "said the executive yesterday
. According to the municipal council, the PCW (tick and scorpion surveillance and control program) had discussions with community agents working in the FSE and teachers of the municipal network to be 'multipliers of information on the disease".
"In addition to the lectures, the SCP conducts a systematic research work acarolgica (identification of ticks) in all areas of riparian forest and the border of municipal dams, in order to map the loca is to infuse l & rsquo; Amblyomma Cajennense (tick-star), well monitor the dynamics of disease transmission, looking for alternatives to limit access to these areas. "
The council also suggested to the city hall that areas at risk for the disease is isolated with a kind of protection that prevents people from accessing, such as screens.
With the two explosions confirmed at Americana yesterday, there are 14 deaths from purple fever this year in the Campinas metropolitan area (RMC). In addition, only 17 confirmed cases and 48 abandoned cases. However, there are still 34 suspects awaiting confirmation in the laboratory.
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