Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian party La Liga Direct, said on Sunday that he intended to extend the success of his party to the creation of a pan-European badociation of nationalist parties.
In a speech at the League's annual meeting, Salvini said his party will govern Italy for the next 30 years, receiving enthusiastic applause from thousands of supporters.
"To win, we had to unite Italy, and now we have to unite Europe," he said. "I think of a league of European leagues, bringing together all the free and sovereign movements that want to defend its population and its borders."
Salvini, 45, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior in the coalition that he resumed on June 1, is at its peak, the League getting about 30% support in the polls opinion competes with his ally. the 5 Star Movement, for the title of the biggest party in Italy.
Since an indefinite election in March, while 5 stars got 32% of the vote and that League, 17%, Salvini dominated the political agenda with an aggressive and popular campaign against immigration.
When Salvini took the lead in 2013 from the then-known Northern League movement, the party was prey to allegations of corruption and had only 5% support.
"What we managed to do this year, next year we will do it at the continental level," he said, referring to the European Parliament elections in May 2019.
In its efforts to build a network of parties European right-wing nationalists quote Salvine Marine Le Pen from the French National Front, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, among others.
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