Anemia is mainly caused by lack of iron in the blood. However, the condition may be badociated with the absence of other vitamins that, for example, help with the absorption of the mineral. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), anemia occurs when the number of erythrocytes (cells in the blood) or its ability to carry oxygen is insufficient to maintain good intestinal health.
to meet physiological needs.
This transport is the responsibility of hemoglobin, a protein that is found inside red blood cells. "If the blood count is altered [para o ferro] you have to think of the others [componentes]," says functional nutritionist Camila Laranja
of other impairments badociated with anemia, second, are from the vitamin A, vitamin B12, zinc and folic acid. "For the normal functioning of the body, these nutrients must be synchronized, to optimal levels, if a lack, it affects the other," says the expert.
Excessive blood loss during menstruation, for example, may be a risk factor for women because there is also a loss of iron. That is why – and for everyone – in addition to maintaining a diet rich in minerals, it is necessary to eat foods that will contribute to its absorption and avoid those that harm it.
Vitamin C is one of the allies of anemia is caused by the lack of iron. A study done with children has shown that orange juice – rich in this vitamin – potentiates the absorption of iron when it is consumed with a food fortified with the mineral.
Intestine in day. For the iron to be properly absorbed by the body, the nutritionist says that the stomach and the intestine must be intact. Changes in metabolism, which can affect this process, usually occur at a later age.
"Sometimes the elderly, because of a deficiency of stomach acid, do not absorb vitamins such as zinc and vitamin B12.acid [para serem metabolizadas]," Camila explains. The reduction of gastric acid, essential for digestion, results from changes in cell structure and composition due to aging. Therefore, this population group is at risk for the development of anemia.
To maintain the intestinal and gastric balance, the specialist recommends to avoid certain products in the food: industrialized (by the presence of additives altering the permeability of the intestine ), sugar, milk in excess and derivatives and wheat (the last two because of the allergenic potential).
Foods against and in favor. According to the functional nutritionist, meats, especially red meat, are the best source of iron. Here, she comments that there are patients who, even while consuming these foods, have mineral deficiency. The problem usually occurs because the amount is not sufficient or the intestine is altered.
For those who do not consume food of animal origin, it indicates legumes such as beans, lentils, chickpeas and oilseeds. l & # 39; oats. Camila says some vegetarians and vegans can have good blood iron levels with a balanced diet. If exams show a change, free supplements of animal components can be used.
Some combinations are not recommended. "Foods rich in calcium with iron [alimentos ricos em] are not interesting," directs the nutritionist. When they are consumed in separate foods, they will both "compete", which can decrease the absorption.
However, if calcium and iron are in the same food (as in legumes), the levels are balanced. The expert recommends avoiding too much coffee, caffeine and alcoholic beverages to change intestinal permeability or compromise absorption.
Above all, Camila says you have to consider food not just as a way to kill hunger. or also rich in certain vitamins and nutrients. "If they think of spices, herbs and spices, most of them are antioxidants, which prevents aging cells."
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