Apple is remodeling its native Maps app for iOS 12


The Apple native map application has never been a benchmark for success. Always aware of this, Tim Cook, CEO of the company, is even apologized for the service offered, with many people preferring to use competing alternatives with Google Maps, for example.

Now the game seems to be about spinning because Apple's Maps is being redesigned from scratch for, maybe one day, hitting hard with Google Maps. The company already collects data from iPhones by adopting a methodology that privileges confidentiality, while using its own fleet of cars equipped with sensors and cameras. The new app should come out with iOS 12, which is in beta and should reach all users in September.

All versions of the operating system should receive updated maps (not limited to iOS 12), and the application should be more responsive to changes that occur on the road, in particularly with buildings.

Apple has been involved in the redesign process for four years, developing its own data collection system without relying on third parties.

Apple has been involved in the reformulation process for four years, developing its own data collection system without third parties. ] Confident with the news, Eddie Cue, vice president of Apple, says that they take the project to the next level. "We are working on trying to create what we expect to become the best map application in the world and move on to the next step." We build our own map from scratch. "

Initially, the update will only reach the residents of California and there is still no prospect of expansion to the rest of the world.

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