Application representing Jesus as a trans woman is canceled in Pernambuco


The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven, with Renata Carvalho, will be presented at the Alternative Theater Festival of Garanhuns Winter Festival

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The Show L & # 39; Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven was canceled at the Alternative Theater Show at the Garanhuns Winter Festival in Pernambuco

The play with Renata Carvalho depicts Jesus as a trans woman. By means of a note, the Government of the State of Pernambuco, in collaboration with the Secretary of Culture and Fundarpe, stated that the controversy caused by the attraction was causing damage to the partnerships that have made the event viable

. Garanhuns Winter Festival was created to unite and spread cultural expressions and not to divide and stimulate the culture of hatred and prejudice "

The Secretary of Culture of Pernambuco lamented what happened in his social network:

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