Arrow phone symbol on iPhone? See what it means and how to take it | Operating systems


The phone symbol in the arrow on the iPhone means that forwarding calls to another number is activated. The function, when enabled, displays the format of a phone with an arrow pointing to the right in the iOS status bar, to the right of the Wi-Fi icon at the top from the screen. The signal indicates that incoming calls on your device are being redirected to another mobile phone. The function may have been mistakenly activated by the user.

In the following tutorial, learn how to disable call transfer and get the phone's arrow symbol on the iPhone. The procedure was performed on an iPhone 8 running iOS 12, but the tips are also valid for other models of the Apple phone.

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  Learn to disable the routing of links on the iPhone - Photo: Helito Beggiora / TechTudo   Discover how to disable the routing links on the iPhone - Photo: Helito Beggiora / TechTudo [19659]. : Helito Beggiora / TechTudo

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Step 1. Go to the settings of the iPhone in "Settings" and open the "Phone".

  Go to the phone settings - Photo: Play / Helito Beggiora   Go to the phone settings - Photo: Reproduction / Helito Beggiora "title =" Access phone settings - Photo: Reproduction / Helito Beggiora "data-src = " strip_icc () / print-2019-26-06-27-06] Phone Settings - Photo: Play / Helito Beggiora </p>
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Step 2. Next, press "Transfer Calls" and disable the option of the same name.

  Disabling Routing Connections - Photo: Play / Helito Beggiora   Disabling Routing Connections - Photo: Play / Helito Beggiora

Disabling Link Routing – Photo: Reproduction / Helito Beggiora

On your brands! Thus, the arrow icon will no longer be displayed in the status bar of your iPhone.

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