BRASÍLIA – The billionaire agreement between banks and savers to make up for losses with economic plans can ensure that ten consumer advocacy badociations receive up to R $ 600 million. The value will be proportional to the number of customers who adhere to the agreement through the collective actions of each entity.
To put an end to the dispute that has lasted for three decades, the banks have agreed to pay R $ 12 billion to all those who have complained to the courts. on the remuneration of the savings accounts of the Bresser (1987), Summer (1989) and Collor 2 (1991) plans. Because they have participated in the negotiation, consumer protection agencies are entitled to 5% of the amount paid to savers benefiting from a clbad action.
Among the beneficiary badociations, the best-known name is that of the Brazilian Institute of Consumer Protection (Idec), which has existed since 1987 and is one of the most active in the sector. Others do not have the same prestige. According to the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), seven of them have characteristics of "fencer badociations", as do institutions created by lawyers to take advantage of existing public civil actions to attract customers. The practice is banned by the OAB and was opposed by the prosecution, but, according to experts, it does not make the agreement illegitimate or disadvantageous to the saver.
All negotiations were coordinated by the Brazilian Front Savers (Febrapo). The entity was created in 2016 by Estevan Nogueira Pegoraro, a Bauru (SP) lawyer who defends more than 500 lawsuits, mainly against banks.
The state attempted to contact the ten signatory badociations of the agreement. In some cases, in the addresses and phones that are in the database of the IRS, no badociation works. Most of them do not have any activity records in other cases, most of which are unknown in the consumer protection sector and the Minister Luis Felipe Salomão de la Superior Court of Justice (STJ) has already charged
"A consumer protection organization must be found by consumers, who appear to be legally established entities, but who are not established in fact," states the Chairman of the OAB-SP Consumer Rights Commission, Marco Antonio Araujo Junior. The president of the National Association of Consumer Attorney General, Alessandra Marques, says the deputy has acted to prevent the action of these entities. "The cases of badociations without representation were informed by the judges to avoid being admitted," he explains. (19659008)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f) .fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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